success (15)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      This is going to be one of those columns that you will not only want to hang onto, but you will also want to pass on to your sons—and even grandsons—because it will contain some truths that SHOULD be taught in school.  Unfortunately, these truths are often ‘caught’ through real life experience, Amen?

      A few summers ago, I had the opportunity to teach at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) Institute.  I was blessed to host a course on “Introduction

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      The quickest way to ‘make room’ for the hundreds of illegal aliens to enter our country and join the American workforce?  Create more and better ‘lies’ to get current American workers to become ex-American workers; content to stay home, pick up a government check, and spend their time ordering takeout and playing video games.  At least, that’s the way it ‘seems’ when one takes the time to check the latest business trends.  Yes sir,

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I’ve worn a variety of different hats over my lifetime.  All of them have, at time or another, ‘bumped uglies’ with the impact and effects of juvenile crime.  Whether it has been in a classroom, in a courtroom, or in the streets, juvenile crime is the issue that spends more time taking—rather than giving.  In short, regardless of what you see on social media, in the ‘mainstream mess’ or in the latest video game offering or in the latest rap/hip-

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      A few years back, it was revealed that for every one million students who played basketball, maybe two would have the talent to turn pro.  This was roughly the same ratio for those who wanted to play professional football.  This simply means that for the rest of the young men involved in athletics, they would need to have a realistic ‘back up’ plan for success after their high school and college sports days were behind them.

      Over the years, we would hope that man

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      It ranks right up there with a woman asking the ‘steady’ man in her life to marry her—I’m going to broach the subject of the solid black wedding band, or, the wedding band with a majority of black trim clearly visible to the public.  I don’t know who started this ‘social trend’ but there is danger written all over it.

      I recently ran into a young man who displayed such a band while we were at my local barber shop.  I saw his black weddin

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



     Someone with more wisdom than I stated the matter plainly: “When immorality floods the land collectively, it is because EACH of us individually have tolerated the SAME immorality in their OWN lives.”

     Please allow me to get KJV biblical for a moment.  Two Old Testament men: Nehemiah (who helped to rebuild Jerusalem) and Daniel (one of the more notable of the Old Testament major prophets) sought God in prayer and did something rather unusual for their day.  They EACH not

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Back In The Day Economics With Mike Ramey


      Let’s get to the lowdown on employment, or as it is better known as ‘getting a job’.

      There are two things that job seekers need to keep in mind about the economy.  Either you have an ‘employer’s’ market (where employers can afford to be a lot more selective about whom they hire for a job), and an ‘employee’s’ market (where employees are in short supply and can not only pick and choose where they work, they can get top dollar for their services)

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An Elder Must Teach! (TM) By Mike Ramey


     I recently ran into a young brother who had brought an interesting problem my way, which provided yet another opportunity for me to teach!  As we were talking about business building and Black economic success, he seemed a little frustrated in the fact that he could not find any books written by African Americans on business success.


     You know me.  Once the opportunity to share wisdom which I had been blessed to gather over the years, I was ready for ser

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The Bible Economics Line by Mike Ramey


“Sometimes, we are waiting for God’s blessings; sometimes, God’s blessings are waiting for us!”

--Mike Ramey, Syndicated Columnist


     One of my favorite modern westerns is: “The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.”  It ran only one season during the early 1990s but packed a lot of punch in a small package.  Legendary character actor Bruce Campbell played the lead—with a very strong supporting cast. 


     One of the underlying themes of the show was the dawning of th

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     Here’s my opening quote for our time together: “Politics will improve before the American public, as more and more honorable and upright men fill the ranks of public servants.” I trust that I have given an upright man the inspiration to step into the ring, and run for public office.

     Your fellow citizens need you…especially in these last days.

     One of the best pieces of advice I got in terms of living the Christian life in a fallen society came from the late Pastor E. V. Hill. In one

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From Player To Coach by Mike Ramey

     A few years back, Ty Willingham, Head Coach for the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame, was interviewed about a tough, upcoming game. The TV interviewer seemed more nervous about the game than the coach, as they asked Willingham about his strategy to deal with a very potent opponent’s running and passing game.

     “We’ll adjust our offense, accordingly.” Said Coach Willingham.

     The adjustments paid off, as Notre Dame ran over the opposition with little sign of trouble. It was the OTHER team th

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On Line Reviews by Mike Ramey

“When we’re faced with someone else’s success, it makes us think about why we can’t do it instead of how the other person did do it.”

--Author Chris Hogan
“Everyday Millionaires”

There have been three great books on the subject of wealth that I have been blessed to read over the years. The first one: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. The second: “Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice” by Dennis Kimbro, Ph.D. The third one is the newcomer “Everyday Millionaires” by Chris Hogan (2019, 250 pages,

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Rapid Speaking Success is Finally Live!

3828519914?profile=originalNorma's powerful videos over the
last several days prove she is
the real deal.

No hype, no fluff, just straight
talk about how to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

She has truly made it "paint by
numbers" to succeed in the speaking
industry as the next big deal!

Pick up your membership here:

Everything is included to go from
where you are to where you want
to be. She was just like you and
now she is the standard in the
speaking industry.
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Rapid Speaking Success is Finally Live!

3828519914?profile=originalNorma's powerful videos over the
last several days prove she is
the real deal.

No hype, no fluff, just straight
talk about how to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

She has truly made it "paint by
numbers" to succeed in the speaking
industry as the next big deal!

Pick up your membership here:

Everything is included to go from
where you are to where you want
to be. She was just like you and
now she is the standard in the
speaking industry.
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