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Nwaorgu Faustinus posted a blog post
The people of Eliozu town in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, are outraged by the scurrilous allegations made by Mr. Chijioke Ihunwo against the Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Martin Chike Amaewhule. In a recent interview,…
8 hours ago
SendMeYourNews posted a discussion
The Statue of Liberty weeps into her un-
Bombed harbor. She cries, “Send me your
Double-amputee orphans. Your newborn babies—
Burned to the bone. Your occupation tortured teens.
Your breastfeeding mothers and atrophying elders.
Send me your…
KWASI Akyeampong promoted Mike Ramey's blog post On Line Reviews by Mike Ramey
Nwaorgu Faustinus posted a blog post
The Director General and Chief Executive of the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), Engr. Chukwuemeka Woke has underscored the importance of reducing gas flaring in Nigeria, as according to him, “The persistent practice of gas…
Mike Ramey posted a blog post
 CRITICAL CONDITION BY JAMES A. MCMENIS “When inferiority is allowed to take root in our hearts, it leads to an inferiority complex.  This is poisonous.  It will negatively affect every area of your life and all of your relationships.” --Critical…
KWASI Akyeampong promoted Mike Ramey's blog post The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey
Mike Ramey posted a blog post
 WHITE DEMOCRATS VS. KAMALA HARRIS: FEAR OF A BLACK PRESIDENT?      As I mentioned in my last power-packed, cliffhanger of a column about Vice President Kamala Harris, I noted that our politics are miles apart.  However, I did note that the…
Annapurna Base Camp Trekking posted a blog post
View from Annapurna Base Camp Trekking (ABC) (4130m.) is also call Annapurna Sanctuary Trekking as is an brilliant stroll thru diverse landscape and subculture complete with prosperous mountain vistas, terraced fields, quaint Gurung villages and a…
Jul 20

2000 lb. Bombastic Blitzkrieg-Klan Rally on Capitalist Hill (For Genocide and War-profiteering), by Raymond Nat Turner

The Statue of Liberty weeps into her un- Bombed harbor. She cries, “Send me your Double-amputee orphans. Your newborn babies— Burned to the bone. Your occupation tortured teens. Your breastfeeding mothers and atrophying elders. Send me your surviving surgeons, journalists, teachers, Bakers … Send me resilient stories, soulful songs and Lovely poems about 2.4 million displaced, starving and Irrepressible People … Resisting non-stop …”   “But, please, don’t send me a vaudeville vampire …

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Gaslighting The All American Pastime

Gaslighting, The All American Pastime Junious Ricardo Stanton Several years ago the word gaslighting was added to the American popular lexicon. Gaslighting is defined as: psychological control and abuse, manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality, deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability. It derives from a 1944 motion picture titled Gaslight whereby an unfaithful husband attempts to psychologically manipulate his wife into thinking she’s…

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S.M.A.R.T. = Post Humanism

S.M.A.R.T. = Post HumanismJunious Ricardo StantonOur culture is inundated with the concept of S.M.A.R.T. technology but few of us actually know what it means. We’re not fully aware of its growing impact on our lives and what it portends for the future of humanity. We have SMART phones, SMART TV’s, SMART refrigerators, SMART watches etc. and soon we will have SMART cities. But what is S.M.A.R.T. technology anyway? SMART is an acronym it stands for Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting…

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What Is The Significance of The Fourth of July in 2024?

What Is The Significance of Fourth of July 2024Junious Ricardo StantonIn 1852 an escaped slave, orator, abolitionist and newspaper publisher named Frederick Douglas was asked by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society from Rochester New York where he was residing at that time, to give a speech to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of this nation. The event was to held at Corinthian Hall in Rochester New York. Douglas agreed but his speech excoriated…

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The Empire Is In Trouble

The Empire Is In Deep TroubleJunious Ricardo Stanton I watched the Presidential “debate” last night, it was bad. America is in trouble. The world is either in total shock or laughing their behinds off at the display of feeble-mindedness and narcissism on all the major networks and global media.Whew, it was bad. At several points I couldn’t help from laughing at others I felt sorry for this country even though I know we are witnessing Karma playing itself out here. The whole “debate” hype was…

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Is ‘Duel’ the better 4-letter Dream word for ‘Debate?’

Sun drenched morning. Silver bullet-loaded, matched gold-plated Glocks gleam above gilded dress swords. Above bump-stocked AR-15s, strapped across slumped shoulders of two 1% men of Limited vision. Mediocre men brandishing usurped Peoples’ Power …   The NRA, RNC and DNC searched far and wide for an S***hole  Country—boots on the ground—who’d host the gentlemen’s  Gun-powdered dustup. The People are excited! Ticket scalpers’ pockets Got the mumps! Pay-per view revenues explode like 2,000 lb.…

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The West Is Trotting Towards War

The West Is Trotting Towards WarJunious Ricardo StantonSeveral weeks ago I wrote a commentary entitled Sleepwalking Into More War which provided insights into the West’s maniacal support for the wars raging in Gaza and Ukraine. As time passed the sleepwalk is becoming a trot. Our misleadership class is accelerating the expansion of existing conflicts and opening new theaters of engagement potentially against China.Wars unlike bar fights just don’t happen spontaneously. There is a progression,…

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Are False Beliefs Setting Us Up For Destruction

Are False Beliefs Setting US Up For Destruction?Junious Ricardo StantonAs we look around the world today we discover challenges to our reality, our belief systems and the values we profess to hold dear. America says it stands for freedom, justice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but as a global hegemon the US is directly responsible for massive human exploitation, suffering, privation, misery and death! These are the direct consequences of the American Empire’s greed, callousness and…

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The people of Eliozu town in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, are outraged by the scurrilous allegations made by Mr. Chijioke Ihunwo against the Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Martin Chike Amaewhule. In a recent interview, Ihunwo brazenly lied about Amaewhule's involvement in disrupting a health program at the Eliozu Health Center, a claim that is utterly false and malicious.

The Eliozu Youth Association, CDC Chairman, and CDC Secretary have issued a joint…

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The Director General and Chief Executive of the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), Engr. Chukwuemeka Woke has underscored the importance of reducing gas flaring in Nigeria, as according to him, “The persistent practice of gas flaring has marred the breathtaking landscape of Nigeria’s abundant natural resources. It serves as a symbol of the missed prospects for harnessing energy, fostering economic growth, and preserving the environment. The…

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      As I mentioned in my last power-packed, cliffhanger of a column about Vice President Kamala Harris, I noted that our politics are miles apart.  However, I did note that the Democratic party—you know, the party that ‘claims’ to support Black people and racial justice—did not have the right to push the…

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s be honest.  The field of newsgathering has changed with the addition of electronic toys such as Smartphones and Selfie Sticks.  This does NOT mean that newsgathering has gotten any better—it just means that there are more girls and boys with electronic toys, but little in the way of ‘upstairs smarts’ to be a good reporter or…

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