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KWASI Akyeampong promoted Annapurna Base Camp Trekking's video
24 minutes ago
Annapurna Base Camp Trekking posted a video
Warm welcome to Treks Himalaya in Nepal who offers wide verities of trekking and tours package. One the best trip to Annapurna Base Camp also call Annapurna Sanctuary where you can see view in 360 degree angle with sunrise and sunset . It takes 7…
11 hours ago
Annapurna Base Camp Trekking posted a video
Treks Himalaya from Nepal who offers wide verities of trekking and tours package such as trekking, helicopter tour, mountain flight, peak climbing, Tibet Tour, Bhutan Tour and many more. Contact us by WhatsApp 009779841433205 and Further…
11 hours ago
Mike Ramey posted a blog post
 A QUICK REFRESHER: MISS RIGHT VS MS WRONG PART 2     Based upon the responses which I have gotten to my first column, again, I have dusted off this list from about 20 years ago and are posting the hits for the brotherhood.  Keep in mind that you…
KWASI Akyeampong promoted Nwaorgu Faustinus's blog post Facts of the Matter: Governor Sim Vs Martins Amaehule and 26 Members of the RSHA
KWASI Akyeampong promoted Junious Ricardo Stanton's discussion Living In A Conundrum
KWASI Akyeampong promoted Mike Ramey's blog post The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey
Mike Ramey posted a blog post
 REAL MEN DON’T NAG      The time seems right to address this topic, considering what men have been facing.  But first, let me start off from the top of the deck.  Some of my male friends who are married have mostly daughters, and few-to-no sons. …

Living In A Conundrum

Living in A Conundrum Junious Ricardo Stanton The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times.” Well, we’re certainly living in interesting times to say the least. We are living in an Orwellian scenario where the world is upside down, language has been weaponized in an effort to maintain and reinforce the Bizzaro World reality we are living in. For example we are told war is peace, invasion and genocide is defense, oligarchy and plutocracy rule by the rich and powerful is…

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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Blessed Are The PeacemakersJunious Ricardo Stanton As the world spirals towards war on multiple fronts: Eastern Europe, West Asia and in the not too distant future Taiwan, it behooves us to think about the alternative to global destruction. The only way the planet can survive the madness metastasizing around the world is if more and more of us make a genuine commitment to peace, true peace. Peace depends upon one deciding to live a life dedicated to peace and nonaggression. Peace begins and…

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Eisenhower's Warning Has Fallen on Deaf Ears

Eisenhower’s Warning Has Fallen on Deaf Ears Junious Ricardo Stanton  In his farewell address to the nation delivered on January 17, 1961 outgoing President Dwight David Eisenhower specifically warned against what he called the acquisition of power by the Military Industrial Complex. He said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of…

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We Deserve Better

We Deserve BetterJunious Ricardo StantonOriginally I decided not to watch the “Presidential Debate” last night because I knew it would be a political circus, a side show yet another indication the US was in deep degeneration. But like the proverbial moth to a flame I was drawn to it so my wife and I watched it anyway. However I did not watch it uncritically with passion or a partisan leaning towards one contestant over the other. I watched it critically and my take-away was, we deserve better…

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Remaining Sane Amid Constant Gaslighting

Remaining Sane Amid Constant Gaslighting Junious Ricardo Stanton Arthur Blair who wrote under the pseudonym George Orwell said, “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Let that statement marinate in our psyche and consciousness for a while and make the connection to our current predicament. We are indeed living in a time of ubiquitous and intense deceit. Lies, disinformation and mendacity permeate our space and reality. It is everywhere: in…

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What If?

What If …?Junious Ricardo Stanton During the 1960-70;s when the US government targeted Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia) to expand its imperialist and neocolonialist empire, there was great opposition to the wars in that region and someone asked the question, “what if they gave a war and no one came?” There was much resistance and noncompliance towards the war and military conscription. Protesters burned the American flag, men burned their draft cards, refused induction,…

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Here We Go Again, More Pandemic BS

Here We Go Again, More Pandemic BS Junious Ricardo Stanton If it didn’t pose such an existential threat to humanity via their lies, propaganda, money grubbing and lethal vaccines, the latest declarations about Monkey Pox would be comical. The World Health Organization is up to its old tricks, generating public fear and money for Big Pharma by using hyperbole to shill for more and more vaccines to supposedly mitigate yet another non-existent global health emergency. This time its Monkey Pox once…

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Become A Champion

Become A ChampionJunious Ricardo Stanton Watching the 2024 Olympics in Paris I was impressed by the competitiveness, sportsmanship and the camaraderie of the athletes who were competing and performing on the world stage. These athletes have put in years and years of training, honing their physical skills, developing their strengths, abilities, learning how to deal with adversity, defeat and winning.There are life lessons to be learned from the athletes whether they failed to qualify, they…

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



     Based upon the responses which I have gotten to my first column, again, I have dusted off this list from about 20 years ago and are posting the hits for the brotherhood.  Keep in mind that you may feel free to start your own list.  However, since many young men were not around when I first wrote on this subject, and since there are new generations of…

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      The time seems right to address this topic, considering what men have been facing.  But first, let me start off from the top of the deck.  Some of my male friends who are married have mostly daughters, and few-to-no sons.  Now, I’ve noticed something about these brothers, when it comes to relating to and talking with other brothers—there seems…

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Facts of the Matter:  Governor Sim Vs Martins Amaehule and 26 Members of the RSHA


It is not about being eloquent; matters of the Judiciary are not for eloquent speakers or natural thinkers. Court orders are Orders where Reliefs are sought! As long as Orders have been made, they are enforceable until a higher court says otherwise. And that is why the Appellant, Gov Fubara is on his way to the Supreme Court even though his case is helpless. Only a political…

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The unfortunate story of the Ogoni repression has too many instances of avoidable mistakes. The first was the failure of the Nigerian government to take advantage of Ken Saro-Wiwa. The most recent is an attempt to foist Sahara Energy on Ogoni ignoring an express rejection of the company by the communities.

This time, Nigeria could lose the benefits of tremendous efforts we have made in convincing the Ogoni people to accept…
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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Of the quotes I have been blessed to have collected over the years, these two have impact on this month’s column.  They come from two different eras but are pretty much on the same side of the same coin.  The first saying comes from one of my heroes, Booker T. Washington.  Here is his quote: “A whining, crying race may be pitied…but…

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The New Gang Line Blogger By Mike Ramey



      In picking up where I left off in our last thrill-packed episode, we were talking about the third ‘time shift’ concerning Modern Street Gangs.  The influx of foreign gang and cartel members, illegals with gang ties, and terrorists fueled by witchcraft, satanic worship and demonic infestation—along with hard-core…

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