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The people of Eliozu town in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, are outraged by the scurrilous allegations made by Mr. Chijioke Ihunwo against the Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Martin Chike Amaewhule. In a recent interview, Ihunwo brazenly lied about Amaewhule's involvement in disrupting a health program at the Eliozu Health Center, a claim that is utterly false and malicious.

The Eliozu Youth Association, CDC Chairman, and CDC Secretary have issued a joint statement vehementl

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The Director General and Chief Executive of the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), Engr. Chukwuemeka Woke has underscored the importance of reducing gas flaring in Nigeria, as according to him, “The persistent practice of gas flaring has marred the breathtaking landscape of Nigeria’s abundant natural resources. It serves as a symbol of the missed prospects for harnessing energy, fostering economic growth, and preserving the environment. The well-documented environmental a

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On Line Reviews by Mike Ramey




“When inferiority is allowed to take root in our hearts, it leads to an inferiority complex.  This is poisonous.  It will negatively affect every area of your life and all of your relationships.”


--Critical Condition

By James A. McMenis

      There is good criticism, and there is bad criticism.  Our current world is swimming in bad criticism as men and women, boys and girls—even in the church—do NOT know the true difference between the two.  Pastor James A.

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      As I mentioned in my last power-packed, cliffhanger of a column about Vice President Kamala Harris, I noted that our politics are miles apart.  However, I did note that the Democratic party—you know, the party that ‘claims’ to support Black people and racial justice—did not have the right to push the Vice President out of the White House because of her skin color.  Now, some three to six months later, the SAME party that worship

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s be honest.  The field of newsgathering has changed with the addition of electronic toys such as Smartphones and Selfie Sticks.  This does NOT mean that newsgathering has gotten any better—it just means that there are more girls and boys with electronic toys, but little in the way of ‘upstairs smarts’ to be a good reporter or 'journalist.'

      ‘Journalist’.  REAL reporters hate the term.  I should know.  I was a REAL reporter for quite a few years before I g

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The Ramey Encourager by Mike Ramey



      Over the years, it has become fashionable for people to ‘cry out’ for mentors to help them—or someone in their group.  During my days as a Probation Officer with my county juvenile court, the parents of clients would occasionally say to me: “Well, my child would do better IF they had a mentor.”  They have something better than a mentor—they’re called ‘parents’.

      Let’s be honest.  Our modern society, often led by ‘the wizards of smart’ and the social

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Recall that in 2021, Shell announced its intention to divest its Nigerian onshore assets due to the incompatibility of its long-term energy transition strategy with the challenges of operations in Nigeria, marked by theft and oil spills.

This move has expectedly sparked wide reactions and cast serious doubts in the minds of Niger Deltans on the propriety of the intentions of the IOC given the age long mutual suspicion between the company and the long neglected people of the region.

The concerns wi

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.....calls them to order over misinterpretation of valid Court Judgments

The Citizens Action for Good Governance has cautioned G-60 Opposition group for what it described as the group’s meddlesomeness concerning the political crises and the recent Court of Appeal judgment in Rivers State.

The group who made its position known during a press conference today at the Treasure Suites opposite Federal High Court, Central Area Abuja, said, “We, the CITIZENS ACTION FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE, have convened this

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




      During my ‘active’ years as a Minister, one of the complaints that I most often heard coming from congregation members of various churches in the Black Community was the following: “I can’t get ahold of my Pastor.”  I never really had a good explanation as to why this was so until I checked out the local political news over the past few years.

      Seems that Democrat office holders have little problem getting ahold of a Pastor—or a congregation—on a Sun

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It was pomp and excitement as the outgoing President, Rotary club of Port Harcourt ECO Rtn Dr Anthony Ikpor handed over the mantle of leadership to Dr  Bieye Renner Briggs.


The annual handover ceremony of the club in Port Harcourt, the Rivers state capital last week marked the transition of power from Rtn Dr Anthony Ikpor, a bank executive, management consultant, environmental activist and sports enthusiast to the incoming president Rtn Dr Bieye Renner Briggs.


The event our correspondent repor

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....Seeks Collaboration On Renewable Energy Opportunities In Borno Ahead of D.A.R.E.S. Roll-Out

A high-level delegation from the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the World Bank Mission today briefed the Executive Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Zulum, on the benefits of the Energizing Education Programme (EEP Phase II) deployed at the University of Maiduguri, to which he expressed gratitude to the top management delegation from the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the Wor

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      For those who may have tuned in late, REAL men—the ones who have Jesus Christ in their lives—have been pushed out of the discussion on a slew of issues involving the family.  Three of them come immediately to mind: No-Fault Divorce, Child Support and Visitation, and the largest quicksand pit of the three—Abortion on Demand.  Further, biblical marriage—between one man and one woman for life—has been disregarded by BOTH Pro-Life and Pro-Murder (Pro-Choice)

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I recently came across a news item about the state of bullying in American schools.  According to this study, instances of non-contact bullying were in first place; instances of physical bullying—where someone physically intimidated someone—came in second place.

      Yes, you read that right.

      I am concerned that many in our society today have forgotten how to handle bullies.  The WOKE crowd (Weirdly Obsessing Kooks and Evildoers) have managed to

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     All The Advisors

     And All The Spin

     Couldn’t Rescue Biden

     From Himself, Agin’


     The Biden Presidency has officially ‘jumped the shark’ after ONE debate.  Sadly, Black Democrats who hitched their wagon to the ‘Biden/Haris’ ticket are going to be looking very glum for the Fourth of July holiday, as their top of the ticket pretty much left the Black community in the cold as thousands of Illegal Aliens rush in to take our jobs and ‘pork up’ on bennies, rangin

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      This may come as a shock to many of you, my young brother, but the media—especially Social Media—is NOT your friend (I capitalize SM for emphasis).  The media—including the Mainstream Press (of which I like to call it the “Mainstream Mess”) makes its money off the repackaging and recycling of stereotypes of Black men—including young Black men.  Further, in this ‘new age’ of electronic media through social platforms—under Diversity, Equity, and I

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The Ramey Encourager by Mike Ramey



      Welcome to the latest from Barnstorm Communications: “The Ramey Encourager.”  A monthly column dedicated to putting forward items and information designed to uplift those in need of refreshment in a dry and angry land.  There will be times that this column may seem to be out of place.  Rest assured, my friend, this is for the backpack; there WILL come a time when you may need this for yourself, or for someone whom you have not met yet.

      A few years back, famed author, c

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey

Juneteenth: What It Means

     Diane Sears, Publisher of "In Search of Fatherhood" Magazine (which is available on line) sent this item along on Juneteenth.  It is short, quick, and to the point:

    As we observe Juneteeth on 19 June 2024, we should contemplate what really occurred on  19 JUNE 1865. 

     Here is what really happened:
     Although the Civil War ended on 4 April 1865 and  the Emancipation Proclamation which became the law of the land in the United States on 1 January 1863 which m
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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Real men get married before they procreate—which is the way God intended for it to be.  This is God’s best for REAL men (and the women who love them).  REAL men under the bonds of Jesus Christ will always shoot for God’s best.  Yes, they can come up short. Yes, they can sin.  However, they are quick to repent, forsake their sin, and get back on the narrow highway of life under God.    

      In our current era, one may be shocked to hear a man referred t

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I wanted to extend a great big thank you to my own Father, who left this earth when I was in my early twenties.  He may not have had the opportunity to see his oldest son graduate from college (the first in the family to do so, back in the seventies) but the lessons that he instilled in me made it possible for me to cross that academic line—and do it DEBT FREE.  Some of the lessons he taught me are worth sharing and passing on to the next generation of fathers out there

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      One does not have to be a ‘rocket scientist’ to notice that the media narrative—even in our cartoons—contains a major league ‘erasure’ of father and son relationships.  This ‘erasure creep’ has been going on since the 1990s.  We’ve been treated to more ‘ink’ about the ‘woes’ of the WNBA, Women’s Soccer and female college athletics that the social engineers should be choking on the high levels of estrogen in the air.  Then, we have noticed the rise of strong female

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