money (10)

The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



     In continuing with my series concerning some of the spiritual warfare which men—and women—are facing in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ, an examination of the dangers of pornography is in order.  To sum up this column, let me just say this: pornography corrupts everything it touches, from the inside out.

     I’m not writing a scholarly paper on this subject.  Nor am I writing a paper to expose a lot of the ‘dirty’ things about pornography

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The Bible Economics Line by Mike Ramey



“Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

--I Thessalonians 5:22 KJV


     A few years back I had a sit-down with a veteran cop who had lots of experience when it came to fighting gang crime.  One of the things that surfaced during our conversation was the fact that gang bangers had taken to setting up ‘front’ businesses in our city through which to funnel and launder cash and stolen merchandise.  Businesses from laundromats to barber shops and beauty parlors were

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The Bible Economics Line by Mike Ramey


“Sometimes, we are waiting for God’s blessings; sometimes, God’s blessings are waiting for us!”

--Mike Ramey, Syndicated Columnist


     One of my favorite modern westerns is: “The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.”  It ran only one season during the early 1990s but packed a lot of punch in a small package.  Legendary character actor Bruce Campbell played the lead—with a very strong supporting cast. 


     One of the underlying themes of the show was the dawning of th

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Pittsburgh 2009 bragging rights award winner, and 2016 nominee for best female artist
Miss Money is not just your street rapper. She has engraved her name locally and globally. After travelling over seas working with big named artist Big Ali and record label Madison Music Miss Money is still bringing home plaques. Winning Akademia awards in Los Angeles and best song with MSI ( Music Scene Investigation). Miss Money says " I started as a poet the best that ever wrote it" Lookout for her clothing

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With a flow colder than Georgia's winter, the Clayton County native Imari Price introduced himself to the music industry in 2010, as Imari Cartione with his first project, Money Callin’ Volume 1: no wonder that he would take the streets by storm with collaborating with Rich Homie Quan, & J Money .

After releasing his debut project Imari Cartione now has access to the spotlight he needed. Cartione quickly learned the spotlight has its downfalls, one of his singles, S

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Cuptoopia Free Android App has a FREE Android App at
iPhone and iPad Apps are coming next week. Download it and start making money by scheduling a Pay-Per-View Events for only $25. You get 80% of the revenue from the event. Need an idea for an event, visit Social Networking for fun is ok, but making money is even better.  

iPhone / iPad App will be available Next Week.  

Join today

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3828532599?profile=originalDeciding if and when to go to college is one of the first major life choices you must make when you graduate from high school.  Before you invest 4 years of time and a whole lot of money you need to know what constitutes a successful outcome after getting your degree.  The following simple chart shows two life paths:

A) Going to college for 4 years;

B) Working for 4 years

Your success is based on what you learn during those 4 years, how much debt or savings you accumulate, and what your job prospec

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Tomorrow's PNC Bank Day
- an opportunity to open a
"Second Chance" Bank Account

Get A Second Chance Tomorow, Saturday, April 30th  at PNC Bank
listen to find out how

"Get Your Second Chance At PNC Bank" Message


For More Information Contact:
Otis C. Monroe, III,
The Monroe Foundation
773.315.9720 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            773.315.9720      end_of_the_skype_hi

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Why Rich Black Folks Don't Work Together

I'm sure you have heard it many times over and over. You would be in their same tax bracket if you had a dime for every time a Black person said "why won't Oprah, Bill Cosby, Denzel, Bob Johnson, Jay-Z, or any of the other rich celebrities and athletes work together to build or buy-out a company which would in turn create opportunities for the common members of the Black Community"?It doesn't take a Harvard Grad to figure out that if rich Black people pooled their resources, started or bought-ou
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