church (25)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




      During my ‘active’ years as a Minister, one of the complaints that I most often heard coming from congregation members of various churches in the Black Community was the following: “I can’t get ahold of my Pastor.”  I never really had a good explanation as to why this was so until I checked out the local political news over the past few years.

      Seems that Democrat office holders have little problem getting ahold of a Pastor—or a congregation—on a Sun

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      In opening this next installment, let me be clear about a few things.  First, sin—by the KJV Bible definition—is ANY missing of God’s mark.  There are at least 175 sins described in detail.  Some preachers estimate that there are anywhere between 300 to 500 sins covered in scripture.  It doesn’t matter if one has committed one sin—or 101 sins.  In God’s sight, you commit one, you are Hell bound UNLESS you have yielded yourself to Jesus Christ and can have

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     Continuing from my last column for the men in the house, the first secret to having a solid relationship is to start with God through Jesus Christ.  The KJV Scriptures are a wealth of wisdom and information.  Not only will the Bible tell you the type of people to meet…it will ALSO tell you the types of people to avoid at all costs.  If YOU are a Christian man, brother, a Christian woman is whom you should marry.  In fact, a Christian man should not e

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     I’m going to warn you up front—this is going to be a HOT column!

      Those who are quite proud of their sexual branding—those who actively practice and identify as sodomites (gay), Trans (Transvestites), Bi (Bisexuals) and other letters of the ‘alphabet mafia’ have seemed to forget two crucial things: The first thing: God.  The second thing: Competence.  It is one thing to ‘cling’ to pride in your ‘alphabet’.  It is quite another to be competent at what you do outside

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The Ramey Commentaries (TM) By Mike Ramey



     A few years back during my broadcast reporting days, I covered a fire involving a local church.  The church had been in this one particular neighborhood for years.  It was sad to not only witness the church being burned to the ground but having to inform the public of such a tragedy.


     Of course, there were a wide variety of people ‘at the scene’ of the fire.  Among them were members of that church.  The firefighters did what they could, but a

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The Ramey Commentaries (TM) By Mike Ramey


     If you know your KJV Bible, you have a firm grip on what has been happening in America over the last several decades.  We—as a nation—have been and continue to be on a downward slide spiritually and it continues to manifest in tangible ways across every imaginable institution.

      Politics is no exception.  It has become only the latest, tangible example of corruption.

      From a prophetic point of view, Jesus Christ IS soon going to rapture His church home. This comes from several place

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     Now, let’s be honest.  Many of today’s parents don’t value an education the way many of us ‘P-Schoolers’ do.  Some of the stuff I read about in the local papers or see on the local news would NOT play out when I was a mere tyke.  My mother, who WAS a teacher, would have--simply--dug my grave, and my father would have tossed me in, and put the dirt on top of me, if I DARED to cut-up in school.

     I went to school, graduated, and went to college, and graduated

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     Those who gripe about politics don’t necessarily want to see problems solved.

     They just want to talk about the problems and hope the problems will resolve themselves, with the least amount of damage to themselves and their families.

     Those of us who are Men of color have just as much right as to run for elective office as the next person. The problem is that there are few in the way of resources available to encourage men TO get involved in politics; to build and coach men in the way

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Moving%2Bfrom%2Bthe%2BPlantation.png?width=320Reposted from January 1, 2012 

"Moving From The Plantation To The Chur-Chation. Modern Day Religious Slavery and Its Devastation." by Mansa Musa 

Find original here: 

Before I start this rant, I want to pay a special thanks to my guardian spirit for opening my eyes to the knowledge and wisdom that I am about to share with everyone here. What was revealed to me is not a vision or a revelation, but just the way to see things from a different prospective. All the information was already here and avai

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The Hidden Hand Behind Mega Churches


The title of this video/blog is "The Hidden Hand Behind Mega Churches."
Mega churches for the most part are a huge money enterprise/ business.  Founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard said in 1948 that “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, start a religion.”
It certainly is a phenomenon and much more common today than in the past. Up until now, the Catholic Church with its many diocese and archdiocese around the globe seem
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The Cosby Saga, Part 3: The Uganda Connection.

In this video we take a look at an Educationist from Kampala Uganda, by the name of Professor Lawrence Mukiibi.
Professor Lawrence Mukiibi died abruptly on May 28, 2017 and his death has sent shock waves thru Uganda and some believe that it has impacted on the entire region and maybe the whole of Africa.
He was applauded for his many efforts in establishing Schools and colleges and is attributed to have at least a chain o
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From beginning to end, That Church Life has you on the edge of your pew. What made this book a page turner: Three ladies on different spiritual paths that come to a head at the beginning of a major tragedy. The book unfolds as Missy, the preachers kid and heir to the megachurch throne is broken, bloody and on the run in these Durham, North Carolina streets!

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NB Commentary: Okay Folks, this is one topic I really hesitated to weigh in on. But as usual, I get signs from the Universe as to what should be the next topic of my YouTube videos. It's quite magical how it works and I simply go with the flow.
I am not sure how long this video will end up being. I would like to say that this will be a short video, but I doubt that I can keep to that promise. I hope that you all will stay with me and follow my train of thought all the way to the conclusion.
This v
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NB Commentary on this video:


Interesting twist on this rumor of Michelle being born a man. Blurring of gender lines is an interesting topic that I want to tackle in my own video. But suffice it to say, there is still a level of naiveté' on your part as it relates to body types, and what's feminine and what's masculine. I can see your point about branding, but, I am not too sure if I agree with it to the extent that you are portraying in this video.

There's a much deeper issue going on when it come

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3828589878?profile=original"How can anyone of African descent be worshiping the same tool used to uselessly murder their ancestors?"


According to a 2012 Gallup International survey about religiosity and atheism, Ghana is one of the most religious countries in the world. At first glance, there is some evidence for this: when you land in Accra, you’ll notice churches everywhere you go. If you look even closer, you’ll see Mormon missionaries on their bikes throughout the country.

But are Ghanaians very relig

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Rape: A Teachable Moment for all of US

To all men: It is a teachable moment for you and for you to teach your sons and their sons. Steubenville. Todd Akin. Unspoken GOP ideology on rape -- aka "legitimate rape." Apparently men -- and some women on CNN -- don't seem to know what rape is. Dictionary definition of rape is compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. 2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. 3.statutory rape --which is forced, coerce, groomed, or any other form

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Here is how you will be in the heart of Cairo, in depth shore excursion to visit Cairo Islamic and Coptic sites, with us you are going to discover the most exquisite churches and mosques in Old Cairo. Pick up from Alexandria port then transfer for around 03 hours to enjoy a sightseeing day of the Islamic and Coptic sites in Cairo. First, see Salah El Din Citadel where Mohamed Ali Alabaster Mosque stays, also Al Gowhara palace built by Mamluks and Ottmanian. Then proceed to Ibn Toloun Mosque, the

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Subject: Eugene Bowser Original Pullman Porter Dies

Original Pullman Porter and Last Living Porter in Chicago Dies
Eugene Bowser, 96 years old, born on January 4, 1915, died November 17, 2011.
  Eugene Bowser was an original Pullman Porter.  In 2008, Bowser was featured in
 Jet, Ebony, Defender and other news media as the only living
Pullman Porter in the Chicago-land Area. 
A Celebration of his life will be held at his church of over 50 years
Metropolitan Apostolic Community Church, 4100 South King
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The Man in the Mirror

June 16, 2011


Raynard Jackson


The church used to be the mirror that society looked into to see its reflection.  But, now the church has become the reflection that mirrors society.


Unfortunately, the church seems to have lost its way and can no longer be counted on to provide light in a dark world. 


Last month, embattled preacher Eddie Long made an out of court settlement of the sexual charges made against him by 4 teenage parishioners.  The settlement is reported to have been for $ 15 million (t

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 3828524552?profile=originalBy Gloria Dulan-Wilson ~

For those of you who know me, you know that I have been an avid supporter of affordable housing for quite some time -- this stems from both personal challenges of obtaining an affordable home of my own, coupled with the fact that it is ludicrous and inhumane, and downright insipid to claim to be the leader of the free world, and one of the richest nations in the world, and not make it possible for those who made that wealth a possibility to have decent place to live.

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