equality (10)

NB Commentary: Okay Folks, this is one topic I really hesitated to weigh in on. But as usual, I get signs from the Universe as to what should be the next topic of my YouTube videos. It's quite magical how it works and I simply go with the flow.
I am not sure how long this video will end up being. I would like to say that this will be a short video, but I doubt that I can keep to that promise. I hope that you all will stay with me and follow my train of thought all the way to the conclusion.
This v
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NB Commentary on this video:


Interesting twist on this rumor of Michelle being born a man. Blurring of gender lines is an interesting topic that I want to tackle in my own video. But suffice it to say, there is still a level of naiveté' on your part as it relates to body types, and what's feminine and what's masculine. I can see your point about branding, but, I am not too sure if I agree with it to the extent that you are portraying in this video.

There's a much deeper issue going on when it come

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3828549422?profile=originalI am working the Ariana-Leilani case: Ariana-Leilani has been suffering for five years from untreated Severe Chronic Neutropenia (SCN). SCN is a rare potentially fatal low immunity condition (like AIDS) that can lead to her death in as little as 18 hours from a common infection.   The experts believe that, based on the tests done to date, her severe chronic neutropenia is caused by drugs.  However, she has yet to receive any testing for drugs in her system in the five years she has suffered from

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If You Rebel Against Your Assignment (the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman), God May Permit Painful Experiences To Correct You!

Every Tragedy Can Be Traced To An Ignored Instruction By God!

God Will Not Be Ignored!

God can create painful experiences, unforgettable experiences. Jonah is a perfect example. He rebelled against God’s instructions to” arise, go to Nineveh, that great city and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me”, instead he rose up to flee unto

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"We are at war! Our survival as a people is at stake. We all are going to be tested in this autumn. America is living on borrowed time. Time for talk is over! To be free sacrifice must be made! Blood must flow if we are to be free." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The masses of our people are on a Death March into the oven of social deterioration, broken homes, broken marriages, broken minds, broken spirit, evolving from a string of broken promises by government and leadership that has failed to help ou

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This is the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman in North America and Throughout the World.

Our Assignment is more apparent to Satan than you may realize. We must understand that our assignment is a threat to his world and what he has plans for in his world. Don’t you ever think that Satan has selected only you to be destroyed he desires to destroy all whose obedience is creating special attention from God!  We must remember Job God asked Satan “Have you considered my servant Job

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Cowardice is a Sin in anytime!

This top half is from a Brother Muslim who lives in America he is from Pakistan but he's is a American Citizen now and he wrote this blog on the People of Color Organize! So I will post his part and then respond to his statement! The title of his Blog is

"Why I am not Protesting at Occupy"

One morning about 9:30am, approximately seven to ten days after 9/11, I received a phone call on my mobile phone. I was a part time college student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and was having a slow

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Supreme Court Deneis A Hearing For Troy

In the Name of AllahThe case of Troy Anthony Davis, Brother Mumia, Javon Dawson, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, the so-called SF8 on and on and on and on proves beyond the shadow of a doubt. Meakes me ask the question: Why are we still celebrating every hollowday, especially Hollomas that our slave-master can come up with...we ain't pick'n cotton! Or are we?Messenger Elijah Muhammad: "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THE SO-CALLED NEGROS WHO HAVE SHED OUR BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS BUILDING THE COUNTRY
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Global Presence!

In the Name of AllahAs-Salaam Alaikum,"THE EARTH BELONGS TO THE BLACK MAN!"...Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of AllahAfter reading Dr. Runoko Rashidi's reflections regarding his trip to Myannmar it occured to me thatDr. Rashidi has done a great service to our Nation of People through his extensive travels and studiesthroughout the years. He goes where most of us are unable to go. He gives us eyewitness accountsof peoples and places from the prespectives which reflect "OUR" point-of-iew --- as oppose
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