republicans (19)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      As I mentioned in my last power-packed, cliffhanger of a column about Vice President Kamala Harris, I noted that our politics are miles apart.  However, I did note that the Democratic party—you know, the party that ‘claims’ to support Black people and racial justice—did not have the right to push the Vice President out of the White House because of her skin color.  Now, some three to six months later, the SAME party that worship

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




      During my ‘active’ years as a Minister, one of the complaints that I most often heard coming from congregation members of various churches in the Black Community was the following: “I can’t get ahold of my Pastor.”  I never really had a good explanation as to why this was so until I checked out the local political news over the past few years.

      Seems that Democrat office holders have little problem getting ahold of a Pastor—or a congregation—on a Sun

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Interesting fact that has escaped ‘lifelong, hard-core’ Democrats during our recent social upheavals in Democrat-run cities: “Where are your children and grandchildren going to go in order to get their first job?”  Please allow me to take a brief trip down memory lane to outline what jobs have either disappeared for teens, or—thanks to Black AND White liberals—have gone the way of manual typewriters.

      Time was that a young man (or a young lady) could get a job

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Interesting fact that has escaped ‘lifelong, hard-core’ Democrats during our recent social upheavals in Democrat-run cities: “Where are your children and grandchildren going to go in order to get their first job?”  Please allow me to take a brief trip down memory lane to outline what jobs have either disappeared for teens, or—thanks to liberals—have gone the way of manual typewriters.

      Time was that a young man (or a young lady) could get a job as a newspaper c

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Former President Donald Trump did what no other president of our modern era did:  He kept our boys—and money—out of Ukraine, the money laundering capitol of the eastern bloc.  Many on both sides of the political spectrum did not like the fact that on Trump’s watch, the United States managed to roll up an impressive score of major foreign policy victories by eliminating terrorists, keeping dictators in check, the Abraham accords and moving our Embassy to J

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



     Contrary to popular opinion, it is NOT the times that defines a man; it is a man who defines the times!  In other words, a real man—especially a real Christian man—does not bow his knee to the whims of society when it comes to righteousness, beliefs, family, and the Word of God.  A true man under the power of God has the hidden strength to make the times bow to him because he can see the landscape and the type of traps that are laid out to cripple and possibly kill him.


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The Ramey Commentaries (TM) By Mike Ramey


     If you know your KJV Bible, you have a firm grip on what has been happening in America over the last several decades.  We—as a nation—have been and continue to be on a downward slide spiritually and it continues to manifest in tangible ways across every imaginable institution.

      Politics is no exception.  It has become only the latest, tangible example of corruption.

      From a prophetic point of view, Jesus Christ IS soon going to rapture His church home. This comes from several place

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The Ramey Commentaries (TM) By Mike Ramey

I also have a challenge for our young people.  Those twenty—and thirty—somethings who seem to have more time for nonsense with their tech toys than finding out about their own history.  Young person: you should KNOW that Black History is not ‘just’ for one month a year.  Do your homework on the reparations issue and find out how many in YOUR family were slaves back in the day.  Reparations is THE issue that should be on the front burner with the generations coming up behind us.  Young person: do
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The real Struggle


  From the Ramparts

 Junious Ricardo Stanton

 The Real Struggle


            "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

             As the political circus plays itself out, thinking people can see the psychopathy, mendacity and hypocrisy of this culture on full display in living color.  The crass quest for power and the weaknesses and corrupti

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                                                        From The Ramparts

                                                     Junious Ricardo Stanton

                                 Don't Believe The Hype, Don't Drink The Kool-Aid


            "It may be that during your lifetime you will not be formally judged as to your culpability or lack of culpability for the acts of your leaders. But in relation to Natural law, you will be guilty or not depending on

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Republicans Are Nowhere to Be Found ~

 By Raynard Jackson, Columnist ~

 In many ways, like Job in the Bible, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me (Job 3:25 King James Version).

I was hoping against all hope that the Republican Party would do something to really pay homage to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday today.  But, like Job, I have been forced to conclude “that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

Republicans are

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3828577439?profile=originalSpike Lee Lays Another Egg
By Raynard Jackson, Columnist ~

 When acclaimed director, actor, producer, Spike Lee broke onto the Hollywood scene in the 1980s; he truly had to fight the power.  Hollywood was not ready for a young, brash, provocative filmmaker like Lee. 

He burst on the scene with provocative movies like She’s Gotta Have It, School Daze and Do The Right Thing.  These movies created spirited debates in the Black and White communities centered on the hot social issues of the day; femi

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image002.jpgBy Raynard Jackson | Donald Trump’s political ascendancy has less to do with him and more to do with the Republican electorate’s total disillusionment with the lack of leadership coming from our congressional leadership. 

All of a sudden, along comes Donald Trump speaking a language the Republican base understands—English!

In my view, Trump, Carly Fiorina, and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are speaking to the American people in a manner that they can understand. The rest of the fiel

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Some Republicans Are Cowards on Race

image001.jpgBy Raynard Jackson | On February 18, 2009, then U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder gave a Black History Month speech to the employees at the Department of Justice.  He said in part, “Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.” 

I think the same thing can and should be said about our Republican candidates for president.  These candidates are too busy listening

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As it stands now, the GOP will never win another presidential election. 

Let me explain what I mean: 3828566196?profile=original

The American electorate has changed, and with it - so too has the formula to win elections. 

The GOP's goal of turning out their base of older, white voters and winning over independents is no longer sufficient to win presidential elections. 

For too long the GOP has been content with just appealing to white voters. We will never heal America and win consistently until conservatives are just as su

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We do live in interesting times

Rodney D. Coates:

As the political dust begins to settle, there are many who are
already passing the blame and taking credit for what appears to be a major
shift in American politics. The Republicans in a sweeping set of victories
have reclaimed the House of Representatives, while the Democrats only
narrowly held on to the Senate. Already pundits are sifting through the
debris, sorting through the tea leaves, and superficially deconstructing this
most recent of elections. The problem, as with mo
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Truth in Advertising

October 14, 2010

Raynard Jackson

With the mid-term elections fast approaching, I thought this would be a good time to give my views on the state of the political landscape.

Let me start by saying publically what I have been telling friends all year—if you are an incumbent, you will not be getting my vote!

Politicians from both parties have made a mockery of our political process. I was taught as a child that in a democracy—the majority rules. But, no one notified our U.S. Senate because in order t

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Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

In my last article I posed the question of whether Black voters should rescue the Democrats again in the critical mid-term elections on November 2nd. It is clear that the Democrats are in serious danger of losing control of the House and Senate. Therefore, once again the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is frantically reaching out to Black voters to ride to the rescue. I complained about the fact that the Democrats need the Black vote but h

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