men (30)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



     Based upon the responses which I have gotten to my first column, again, I have dusted off this list from about 20 years ago and are posting the hits for the brotherhood.  Keep in mind that you may feel free to start your own list.  However, since many young men were not around when I first wrote on this subject, and since there are new generations of young man who have been raised in a feminized American society, I continue with this next col

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      The time seems right to address this topic, considering what men have been facing.  But first, let me start off from the top of the deck.  Some of my male friends who are married have mostly daughters, and few-to-no sons.  Now, I’ve noticed something about these brothers, when it comes to relating to and talking with other brothers—there seems to be a little nagging in their voices.

      Maybe, they are upset because they haven’t been blessed with sons.

      Maybe, they

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Real men get married before they procreate—which is the way God intended for it to be.  This is God’s best for REAL men (and the women who love them).  REAL men under the bonds of Jesus Christ will always shoot for God’s best.  Yes, they can come up short. Yes, they can sin.  However, they are quick to repent, forsake their sin, and get back on the narrow highway of life under God.    

      In our current era, one may be shocked to hear a man referred t

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The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



     In continuing with my series concerning some of the spiritual warfare which men—and women—are facing in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ, an examination of the dangers of pornography is in order.  To sum up this column, let me just say this: pornography corrupts everything it touches, from the inside out.

     I’m not writing a scholarly paper on this subject.  Nor am I writing a paper to expose a lot of the ‘dirty’ things about pornography

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s do a few mental warm-ups with my definitions of a few well-known words.  First, there is the word ‘feminist’.  My definition is: “A woman who wants to exercise all of her rights, without paying attention to the responsibilities that come with them.”  ‘Feminism’ is: “That mindset which starts out seeking empowerment but ending up with frustration and disappointment.”  Then there is the word ‘feminized’: “A home, institution or country where the wom

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      There is an adage which many have seemed to have forgotten in our modern age: “Dance with the one who brung ya!”  In short—be loyal to those upright things in your life that have helped to make you stronger in your walk with Christ.  This is true of certain people and—yes—one certain version of the Bible, the good ‘ol KJV of 1611.

      The late Jack Chick, through his ‘Chick Tracts’ was a major inspiration to me during my formative years as a Chri

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Got a LOT of great responses to the first part of this set.  I wanted to keep it rolling with some of the ‘clips’ from the cutting room floor.  Just remember, to start off each graph with ‘Ain’t It Funny That…

      *…more and more well-known corporations are going broke changing their products into billboards for the alphabet mafia and are shocked, SHOCKED that the American public aren’t buying into their propaganda…

      *…more young men are opting out of going

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      One of the overriding themes of this series is that the mainstream mess—including social media—makes its bones putting forth bad news.  Good or uplifting news is not valued by those who oversee editing and putting forth the ‘agenda items for the day’.  Instead of informing the public (as American media outlets ‘used’ to be about) the media is all about indoctrinating the public to support their agenda—not yours.

      And, because of the money—their support

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      In our last thrilling installment, we briefly covered the subject of having Christ involved in not only your dating life, but your marriage as well.  Yes, I know that the ‘lifting up’ of God may be considered ‘offensive’ to many.  Feel free to contact me at my email addy and apologize.  This series is on having solid relationships.  A solid connection by an individual to God through Jesus Christ AND having relationships with individuals who hold a

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     Continuing from my last column for the men in the house, the first secret to having a solid relationship is to start with God through Jesus Christ.  The KJV Scriptures are a wealth of wisdom and information.  Not only will the Bible tell you the type of people to meet…it will ALSO tell you the types of people to avoid at all costs.  If YOU are a Christian man, brother, a Christian woman is whom you should marry.  In fact, a Christian man should not e

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     I’ve been checking out some of the ‘relationship’ advice blogs and videos on social media and, quite frankly, have not been all that impressed with the content and the direction.  Suffice it to say that God has been left out of many a relationship equation.  Without God’s involvement, and heeding the KJV Scriptures, a house will not become a home.

      Always aim for God’s perfection in building solid relationships. He’s all in.  Are you?

      Let me

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     During my teaching days I wrangled grades 6 through 12.  You would NOT believe how many warnings and scoldings I had to give the students—even those IN my classes—regarding profanity.  It was one thing to hear 16-and 17-year-olds cuss or swear in the hallways.  It was another thing entirely to hear profanity from the mouths of 12-year-olds--many of whom had just learned how to find their way to the cafeteria for lunch.  The depressing part of teacher enforc

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For many a year, the feminists and their allies in the feminized mainstream coven have been eagerly browbeating men; telling us what ‘we need to do’ with our young men.   Brothers, it took us a while to get the message, but we have done the job.  The numbers have been trending positive and our young men have been on the grow.

      Well, let me be the first to put the shoe on the other foot, and go public with my words: “It’s high time that women get their younger sisters

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The Manhood Line: The Gold Files By Mike Ramey


     I would like to take the time to welcome each reader to “THE MANHOOD LINE,” a column written to put forth solutions for men, regardless of their color, achievements, age or issues.  Let me say from the outset that this column is unique.  It is not a column to show women where their problems may be.  However, this column it is an answer for many, many, many men whom you and I know are tired of being labeled as monsters, misfits, or idiots. 

      Brothers, we are here to answer your question

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The Manhood Line: The Gold Files By Mike Ramey

A man must make the effort to prepare himself; INVEST the time, talent and sweat needed to build yourself that career or relationship you are seeking and to build yourself to face the time in history which you are challenging.  An unprepared man is sure to become a casualty in the arena of life.  God favors the man who not only walks with Him but takes the time to grow under the training of the men whom He has sent their way.
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     Before we get into the last part of this series, I wanted to inject a few things which surfaced before I made the decision of putting this column to bed and shipping it out.

     I happened to have a conversation with a veteran Minister whom I have a lot of respect.  His attitude towards Ministers and regular Christians being involved in politics?  Not very supportive.  He believes that Christians in general, and Ministers (Pastors included) should stay out of the political arena.  Yes, we s

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     Before we get into the last part of this series, I wanted to inject a few things which surfaced before I made the decision of putting this column to bed and shipping it out.

     I happened to have a conversation with a veteran Minister whom I have a lot of respect.  His attitude towards Ministers and regular Christians being involved in politics?  Not very supportive.  He believes that Christians in general, and Ministers (Pastors included) should stay out of the political arena.  Yes, we

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     Great political quote from the late Democrat President Harry Truman: “An honest public servant can’t become rich in politics. He can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service.” Keep in mind that Truman was one of those politicians that no one wanted as Vice President (just like Teddy Roosevelt). FDR died suddenly, and Truman became President. If you know your history, one of the things that happened on his watch; Israel became a nation, and the U.S. was the first nation to recognize

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On Line Book Reviews By Mike Ramey

“A man’s love goes through his stomach. A woman’s love goes through her purse.”

--South Africa

     There seems to have been a welcomed re-surfacing of interest in proverbs from the Motherland of Africa. The electronic frontier has been criss-crossed by a variety of websites, each one worthy in its own right to bring the truth of what our ancestors stated in brevity on the subject of the day from ages past. However, for those who still into reading books and turning pages, such written works seem

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     Before we get started with our next installment of this series, I wanted to drop in a few key books that will help men keep sharp during their venture into the political arena. The two books that I have on my radar involved Black conservatives, how politics impacted their lives, and how their families remained strong during their political careers and public visibility.

     One book is J. C. Watts’ “What Color is a Conservative”. The second is Sheriff David Clarke’s “Cop Under Fire”. Both a

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