relationships (10)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      The title of this column has been one of those questions that many of us have had to examine from time to time.  Believe it or not, those who are under the name of Jesus Christ have had to contend with this issue in a variety of places.

      Do people want you or only what you can do for them?

      If you know your KJV Bible, Jesus himself had to contend with this matter after he fed the multitudes.  They followed Him so that they c

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      In our last thrilling installment, we briefly covered the subject of having Christ involved in not only your dating life, but your marriage as well.  Yes, I know that the ‘lifting up’ of God may be considered ‘offensive’ to many.  Feel free to contact me at my email addy and apologize.  This series is on having solid relationships.  A solid connection by an individual to God through Jesus Christ AND having relationships with individuals who hold a

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     Continuing from my last column for the men in the house, the first secret to having a solid relationship is to start with God through Jesus Christ.  The KJV Scriptures are a wealth of wisdom and information.  Not only will the Bible tell you the type of people to meet…it will ALSO tell you the types of people to avoid at all costs.  If YOU are a Christian man, brother, a Christian woman is whom you should marry.  In fact, a Christian man should not e

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There is nothing stopping a good woman from being a great woman. Ladies, do whatever you need to do to maintain your title, your crown and your thrown - but I strongly advise you to include 7 Types of Queens Kings Desire in your arsenal, then wait for your king to find you.

Read the full book review here.


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Let's talk about love......

3828561962?profile=originalHow many of us truly possess the divine knowledge, wisdom and understanding of what a relationship is and what

of thought does your relationship understanding hail from? There are many preconceptions about relationships circulating around society and unfortunately, we are a part of a society that does not respect women and is extremely man driven, creating a very strong male biased understanding. We live in the United States of America: the most mentally, physically, spiritually, sexually and fin
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Who is it!? Who it is!

One of my favorite scenes in the Excellent "Cosby Show" series was when Clair Huxtable, played by Phelicia Rashad, and Dr. Heathcliff "Cliff" Huxtable, played by Bill Cosby, were making out in their bed until they got a knock on their bedroom door.  After Bill Cosby responded with "Who is it," his two youngest daughters, Rudy and Vanessa walked into the room.  Then with a face shared with mannerisms that my words have no chance of duplicating, he stresses to the girls that when he asks "who is i

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Her name was Leave, but she decided to stay.

In her heart she just knew he would change one day.

Him and her played a sport that kept her visiting the Doctor. 

Some call it football, but it was clearly socc(h)er.   

He was precise with every blow always hitting his goal.

Chipping away at his targets her spirit, body, and soul.

He was nice in the beginning told her stories of being the victim

Said when life had him down people always left or kicked him.

This is when she made the promise that made her pay

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"Common Sense is Ruining Relationships"

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, it is with great pleasure that today I will be bringing to justice a serial killer that we've all come to know and trust named "Common Sense."  For years common sense has been unconsciously destroying/killing relationships and marriages.  It is common sense that keeps individuals from effectively communicating because they assume that their thoughts are "common," causing them not to explain why they do the things they do, or how they come to the conclusions that

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The Manhood Line by Mike Ramey

MEMO: THE RAMEY RULEBY MIKE RAMEYI wanted to give a solid ‘shout out’ to those warriors who have volunteered to contend with young men on a regular basis about their sagging pants. Of course, I am still amazed of the longevity of this rather ‘brief’ matter--but I digress!I’ve seen some rather interesting battles and discussions between adults and teens about the need for keep pants pulled up to regulation level. I’ve heard of adults shouting at teens, and teens shouting back at adults over ‘my r
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The Manhood Line by Mike Ramey

MEMO: OPERATION BAND OF GOLDBY MIKE RAMEYThis month, we’re off on the ride of reality, brothers: The subject of marriage!For the life of me, I can not understand why churches, schools, government, and even the criminal justice system refuse to stress marriage FIRST and sex SECOND between a man and a woman!The ‘I see it, I want it, I’ll take it’ mentality of the age continues to spawn new lows for the sake of sexual thrills. Even those who have fought for ‘same sex marriages’ are amazed at how qu
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