corruption (8)

The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



     In continuing with my series concerning some of the spiritual warfare which men—and women—are facing in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ, an examination of the dangers of pornography is in order.  To sum up this column, let me just say this: pornography corrupts everything it touches, from the inside out.

     I’m not writing a scholarly paper on this subject.  Nor am I writing a paper to expose a lot of the ‘dirty’ things about pornography

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Based upon what I have been reading and seeing concerning some of the latest scandals of our current crop of Black elected officials (many of them of the Democrat and liberal stripe) there SHOULD have been someone in their political upbringing who were willing to ‘school’ them on a few truths and realities.  Regardless of whether a Black elected official is a Democrat or Republican, it should be painfully obvious that—being a Black man

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Caught an interesting news item from Chicago recently.  It seems that some in that city’s legislative body—composed mainly of Democrats—want to put the issue of whether Chicago remains a ‘sanctuary city’ up for referendum before the citizens of Chicago in the spring of 2024.  Unfortunately, most of the Aldermen did NOT support such as move, as illegal aliens have flocked to Chicago—and pushed Black folk out of the way for jobs, education, social services,

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      You have already heard about the collapse of the Hunter Biden plea deal, and the soon-to-begin Impeachment Inquiry against President Joe Biden because of Bribery (and other) hanky-panky that took place, allegedly, during his tenure as Vice President.  However, the elephant in the room (pardon the pun, since I am a Republican) is what this may do to the legacy of former President Barack Obama.

      Obama has been strangely quiet during this process inv

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Former President Donald Trump did what no other president of our modern era did:  He kept our boys—and money—out of Ukraine, the money laundering capitol of the eastern bloc.  Many on both sides of the political spectrum did not like the fact that on Trump’s watch, the United States managed to roll up an impressive score of major foreign policy victories by eliminating terrorists, keeping dictators in check, the Abraham accords and moving our Embassy to J

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For what exactly are we praying?

president-mahama-with-priests.jpg?width=650So, once again, the president assembled some Christian priests and together they prayed for the nation. At the end of the jamboree, they declared a 7-day prayer for the country.


Are we ever going to learn in this country?

Readers will agree that this column has consistently maintain the principled stance that prayers are no substitutes for thinking and planning.

My younger brother’s favourite saying is: ‘Prayer is not a strategy,’ and I fully subscribe to it.

It is difficult to know for what exac

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                                                              From The Ramparts

                                             Junious Ricardo Stanton

                       International Bankers Are the Blame For the US Financial Implosion


“The latest stage in the bankruptcy hearings has highlighted the role of the banks in wrecking municipal and family finances across the country. Detroit had one of the highest percentages of subprime loans—many from Countrywide, which was taken over by Bank of Am

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The D Word

From The RampartsJunious Ricardo StantonThe D Word“At the root of the banks’ problems are the large losses they have undoubtedly taken on their securities and loan portfolios. But they don’t want to recognize the full extent of their losses, because that would likely expose them as insolvent. So they talk down the problem, and ask for handouts that aren’t enough to make them healthy (again, they can’t reveal the size of the handouts that would be necessary for that), but are enough to keep them
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