deliverance (3)

The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



     In continuing with my series concerning some of the spiritual warfare which men—and women—are facing in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ, an examination of the dangers of pornography is in order.  To sum up this column, let me just say this: pornography corrupts everything it touches, from the inside out.

     I’m not writing a scholarly paper on this subject.  Nor am I writing a paper to expose a lot of the ‘dirty’ things about pornography

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The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



     Let me open our time together with a startling fact: All false religions and cult groups have an underpinning of occult practices, ranging from such ‘simple’ items as ancestor worship, tarot cards, crystal balls and the like; to the more complex and deadly spiritual items as ritual sacrifice and necromancy (summoning of evil spirits associated with the dead).  Further, false teachers that are behind these groups KNOW of the occult practices as either they—or

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February 17, 2015 

When we speak truth, by all means necessary, we must present all the facts.  Sometimes in doing so, we, Black folks, sound radical and appear to be hate moguls, but in most instances, this is not at all the case.  I am sure Rep. John Lewis of Georgia has no animosity against Whites when he speaks about the Civil Rights Movement and his skull fractured at the evil hands of White policemen.  And like the “Jews” who say “Never Again” about their Holocaust, desc

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