jesus (13)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s be honest.  The field of newsgathering has changed with the addition of electronic toys such as Smartphones and Selfie Sticks.  This does NOT mean that newsgathering has gotten any better—it just means that there are more girls and boys with electronic toys, but little in the way of ‘upstairs smarts’ to be a good reporter or 'journalist.'

      ‘Journalist’.  REAL reporters hate the term.  I should know.  I was a REAL reporter for quite a few years before I g

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Is it just me? How is it that having a European looking man, with blonde hair and blue eyes, from the middle east elevated to the status of God, is NOT promoting white supremacy?

For the next 30 days folks will be peppering their house, lawns, schools and churches and every where else with the image of a "white" child in a manger purported to be GOD incarnate. A so-called Christmas celebration that really is a cloak for white supremacy.

Think about it, from now on it will be quite alright for Jesu

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Bible scholar

claims Christianity invented

as part of ancient Roman psy-ops campaign

By Travis Gettys
Thursday, October 10, 2013 12:38 EDT

Topics: Bible scholar claims Christianity ♦ Jesus Christ ♦ Joseph Atwill

The Christian faith is the result of the most successful psy-ops program in history, according to a self-professed American Bible scholar.

Joseph Atwill will present his controversial theory Oct. 19 in London that the New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats as part of a so

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Our assignment will move us from one battle to another.  Adversity is inevitable our enemy observes all progress. God will mentor us in warfare. The scriptures says “He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.” Psalm 18; 34 “Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.” Psalm 144:1.

A warrior only uses the weapons that never failed him. David rejects the weapons of other while fighting Goliath.

A warrior refuses t

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"He who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age." - Dr. Ray Hagins

Here is more evidence of this fact...

Christian missionaries, travelling in the mid-1970s (a little over 30 years ago) to the Colorado valley, found themselves unable to convince the resident Panare Indians to accept faith in Jesus Christ. To overcome this dilemma they took to compiling books for the natives to read in their mother tong

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If You Rebel Against Your Assignment (the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman), God May Permit Painful Experiences To Correct You!

Every Tragedy Can Be Traced To An Ignored Instruction By God!

God Will Not Be Ignored!

God can create painful experiences, unforgettable experiences. Jonah is a perfect example. He rebelled against God’s instructions to” arise, go to Nineveh, that great city and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me”, instead he rose up to flee unto

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"We are at war! Our survival as a people is at stake. We all are going to be tested in this autumn. America is living on borrowed time. Time for talk is over! To be free sacrifice must be made! Blood must flow if we are to be free." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The masses of our people are on a Death March into the oven of social deterioration, broken homes, broken marriages, broken minds, broken spirit, evolving from a string of broken promises by government and leadership that has failed to help ou

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This is the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman in North America and Throughout the World.

Our Assignment is more apparent to Satan than you may realize. We must understand that our assignment is a threat to his world and what he has plans for in his world. Don’t you ever think that Satan has selected only you to be destroyed he desires to destroy all whose obedience is creating special attention from God!  We must remember Job God asked Satan “Have you considered my servant Job

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Cowardice is a Sin in anytime!

This top half is from a Brother Muslim who lives in America he is from Pakistan but he's is a American Citizen now and he wrote this blog on the People of Color Organize! So I will post his part and then respond to his statement! The title of his Blog is

"Why I am not Protesting at Occupy"

One morning about 9:30am, approximately seven to ten days after 9/11, I received a phone call on my mobile phone. I was a part time college student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and was having a slow

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The Revolutionary Vision of Jesus

Rodney D. Coates* ~


I never saw a contradiction between the ideas that sustain me and the ideas of that symbol, of that extraordinary figure, Jesus Christ. 
Fidel Castro

There are many who will condemn me as a heretic –both within the church and among so called progressives – for declaring that Jesus was a revolutionary and had a revolutionary vision for the world.  Yes, Jesus –that Jesus that we celebrate, that we proclaim, and that we have been labeled as his followers – the Christ (or Promised

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-- Dr. Christopher Bell Jr. explains why and how in his new book entitled "The Black Clergy's Misguided Worship Leadership" --


Washington, DC ( -- "'Jesus worship' is equivalent to 'white male worship' and is detrimental to themental and emotional health of black people," argues Dr. Christopher Bell Jr. Dr. Bell cites cogent educational and behavioral reasons to explain why and how the glorification and worship of the a

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Disclaimer: this is NOT supporting the TALMUD but Revealing what's INSIDE THE TALMUDTidbits From The TalmudErubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.Moed Kattan 17a . If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.Non-Jews are Not Human Baba Mezia 114a-114b. Only Jews are human ("Only ye are designated men").Also see Kerithoth 6b under the sub-head, "Oil of Anointing" a
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The gun and ship of enslavement

The gun and ship of enslavement["Like a machine it transformed the lives of Africans and Europeans alike. Europeans came to America freely with a design of a new way of life in their hearts and minds." Africans were kidnapped and shipped in chains with their life design already made, in the hearts and minds of Europeans. So terrifying was this technology that it forced Africans to worship Christianity/Jesus Christ."]The ruling classes of Western Europe were able to conquer the world between 1400
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