trade (15)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s be honest.  The field of newsgathering has changed with the addition of electronic toys such as Smartphones and Selfie Sticks.  This does NOT mean that newsgathering has gotten any better—it just means that there are more girls and boys with electronic toys, but little in the way of ‘upstairs smarts’ to be a good reporter or 'journalist.'

      ‘Journalist’.  REAL reporters hate the term.  I should know.  I was a REAL reporter for quite a few years before I g

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February 17, 2015 

When we speak truth, by all means necessary, we must present all the facts.  Sometimes in doing so, we, Black folks, sound radical and appear to be hate moguls, but in most instances, this is not at all the case.  I am sure Rep. John Lewis of Georgia has no animosity against Whites when he speaks about the Civil Rights Movement and his skull fractured at the evil hands of White policemen.  And like the “Jews” who say “Never Again” about their Holocaust, desc

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A short Notes on Trade Show Counter Displays


Trade show counters displays now days can play a vital role in your exhibiting success. These cabinets can provide numerous functions and are called by several names such as trade show podiums, portable trade show counters, promotional counters and various counters. Its most emphasis to pick the correct display counter for your dream business fits your budget. The entire purpose of these cabinets is to help describe people in to your booth and help get your business products and services noticed

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The Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (SRDC) is scheduled to address the audience at the 2nd Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. Representatives will discuss "Historic, Political & Economic Significance of Africa’s Tripartite Free Trade Agreement." 

The central mission of the SRDC is to organize African descendant communities so they can be prepared to participate in electoral decisions to choose delegates to join the African Union (AU), which is the current continental bod
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If you have not seen the Oscar winning movie, The King’s SPEECH, do so. It is an exceptionally well done film with superb acting. In light of the recent royal wedding, it was all the more interesting as it was beneficial in clarifying the lineage of the royal family and the Queen’s place in such. The opening scene returns us to the 1938 Empire Exhibition where, the then Duke of York , played by Oscar winner Colin Firth, is waiting in the wings to deliver the opening speech (which I will share in
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Initially, I searched the internet for actual videos of the opening ceremonies of the Empire Exhibition of 1938, to compare against the scene of such portrayed in THE KING’S SPEECH. The movie does not show the Duke of York’s entire speech; it only reconstructs the difficulty he had delivering such due to his speech impediment. Dictating the speech, I felt need to share some of King George VI’s words with fellow Americans as we struggle to keep our economy afloat and the engine of capitalism of t
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By definition, a booth of any type usually denotes a structure -whether temporary or permanent- for the purpose of vending something. Food booths at a fair; toll versions on highways; and the ticket box office at a concert, all dispense something to the consumer in exchange for currency of some type. Trade show booths are analogous to the aforementioned, in that the objective is to provide information about a product or service to potential customers.

In the past, Trade show booths were often cus

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They set up quick and easy; they are wonderful for making great impressions at a trade show or event within budget. Lightweight and portable, they are an ever increasing favorite option for exhibitors and marketing managers. ‘They’ are pop up trade show booths. offers budget friendly imported models, and more durable, made in the USA models built for long term use. Fabric and full graphic pop up exhibits are available in a wide variety of colors. Accessory items such as monitor

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By definition, a booth-of any type- usually denotes a structure whether temporary or permanent, for the purpose of vending something. Food booths at a fair; toll versions on highways; the ticket ‘box’ office at a concert; they all dispense something to the consumer in exchange for currency of some type. While there are automated versions, such as the photo kiosk at your local mall; most are manned. At, we understand that trade show booths are much more than just a backdrop for
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Well folks, it looks like a 300% refund and tickets to next year’s Super Bowl-with paid accommodations-is not going to be enough to appease the some 400 individuals who were turned away in Dallas at the big game. The first lawsuits were filed in federal court on Wednesday. It appears the culprit is lack of preparation. The additional seats that were sold were deemed unsafe by the fire marshal due to lack of adequate guard rails. The second company-who took over for the first company that left Je
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Other large and diverse categories available for dressing-up your exhibit include lighting, flooring, hanging signs, and monitors. has a wonderful user-friendly website with a drop down navigation feature for ease in locating and viewing our large inventory of modular Trade Show Displays  and accessories.

The entity that equals the number and diversity of accessories for trade show exhibits is the number of companies that sell these products. So why pick over

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Working with many educational institutions throughout North America and Canada, understands that your interests may extend beyond the typical tradeshow. Our in-depth understanding of educational seminars, recruiting events, etc…, makes it possible for us ,to assist in making your attendance at individualized events-whatever your particular need-stream-lined, economical and efficient. Our objective is your objective: focus your time and energies on the event at hand. Our display
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While the majority of our clients use their Trade Show Display for trade shows; there are other venues where they can be impactful. In a corporate lobby where your customers and the public frequent, pop up banner stands can convey a powerful message about your company in quick form. Eye-catching, graphic art work says more in short order, than a long sale pitch ever could. If room allows, a modular trade show display with back wall interchangeable graphics, is a good way to post up-to-date infor
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“If you find yourself staring at your calendar and pondering which over-lapping trade show event you should attend because your company has only one trade show display in inventory-and time/money are an issue-then a one-time rental decision may be a good decision. But if a further look into the year reveals the same situation repeating more than twice, then the same dollars spent on renting a trade show display could approximate the purchase of the same.

Storing a display can be an expensive pros

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“The truth is, in the country of the blind, The one-eyed man is considered to be crazy as hell.”--Robin Palmer, Ex Officio, The Weather Underground"The beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart."-- Mary Shelley's Victor Frankenstein"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the oc
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