bell (7)
How can we make any kind of impact or change if we are too weak, brainwashed and conditioned to stop participating in their holidays? I always say that this time of year is the most blatant celebration of w
By Raynard Jackson
NNPA Columnist
July 12, 2012
As anyone who has followed me knows, I have been extremely critical of President Obama’s non-engagement with the Black community. Obama has deliberately ignored the plight of the Black community while giving preferential treatment to the homosexual and Hispanic communities.
But I can’t in good conscious criticize Obama and then give the Republicans a pass when they display similar behavior towards the Black community. I can’t excoriate Black Democr
-- Dr. Christopher Bell Jr. explains why and how in his new book entitled "The Black Clergy's Misguided Worship Leadership" --
Washington, DC ( -- "'Jesus worship' is equivalent to 'white male worship' and is detrimental to themental and emotional health of black people," argues Dr. Christopher Bell Jr. Dr. Bell cites cogent educational and behavioral reasons to explain why and how the glorification and worship of the a
How does a simple deployment of new police officers address the state of mind, social conscioussness, lack of respect of law enforcement, and the ongoing street battles over desperate economic conditionns that drive the vionece, plan to stop it ? ?
Where are the plans to deal "hands-on" with the mindet of a people, OR the plans to find more innovative ways for people to make money this summer from something other that the illegal street environments?