muhammad (11)

Muhammad Ali, Rise In Power, June 3, 2016
NB Commentary: The mystique around this man and his history goes far back for those of us who experienced his rise and unfortunate fall in the boxing world. As a former member of the Nation Of Islam, I remember this man as a hero, a warrior, an artist and a poet. Personally, boxing to me is a brutal sport, one that boggles my mind that anyone would want to step into a ring and beat on another human being. As a sport, it says a lot about who we are as huma
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Our assignment will move us from one battle to another.  Adversity is inevitable our enemy observes all progress. God will mentor us in warfare. The scriptures says “He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.” Psalm 18; 34 “Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.” Psalm 144:1.

A warrior only uses the weapons that never failed him. David rejects the weapons of other while fighting Goliath.

A warrior refuses t

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If You Rebel Against Your Assignment (the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman), God May Permit Painful Experiences To Correct You!

Every Tragedy Can Be Traced To An Ignored Instruction By God!

God Will Not Be Ignored!

God can create painful experiences, unforgettable experiences. Jonah is a perfect example. He rebelled against God’s instructions to” arise, go to Nineveh, that great city and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me”, instead he rose up to flee unto

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"We are at war! Our survival as a people is at stake. We all are going to be tested in this autumn. America is living on borrowed time. Time for talk is over! To be free sacrifice must be made! Blood must flow if we are to be free." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The masses of our people are on a Death March into the oven of social deterioration, broken homes, broken marriages, broken minds, broken spirit, evolving from a string of broken promises by government and leadership that has failed to help ou

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This is the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman in North America and Throughout the World.

Our Assignment is more apparent to Satan than you may realize. We must understand that our assignment is a threat to his world and what he has plans for in his world. Don’t you ever think that Satan has selected only you to be destroyed he desires to destroy all whose obedience is creating special attention from God!  We must remember Job God asked Satan “Have you considered my servant Job

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Cowardice is a Sin in anytime!

This top half is from a Brother Muslim who lives in America he is from Pakistan but he's is a American Citizen now and he wrote this blog on the People of Color Organize! So I will post his part and then respond to his statement! The title of his Blog is

"Why I am not Protesting at Occupy"

One morning about 9:30am, approximately seven to ten days after 9/11, I received a phone call on my mobile phone. I was a part time college student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and was having a slow

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Confessions of an Marxist Ideologue

Rodney D. Coates ~

            Well, my colleague (Sam Friedman) has challenged me to identify the Marxist ideologues that I refer to in my most recent blurb.  The problem with friends is that they hold us accountable.  And if confession, as my Baptist friends constantly remind me, is good for the soul, then let me here and now confess –that yes once I was a Marxist ideologue.  Where do I begin –at the beginning I suppose. 

Most of you know that I was in the military, a Viet Nam veteran, and duri

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Malik Zulu Shabazz, the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party and founder of Black Lawyers for Justice, considered by many to be the boldest young national Black leader on the scene, will be coming to New York City for a special sitdown with the Black press and others in what he is calling ‘Operation Counter Attack! Stop The Attack on the New Black Panther Party and Black Leadership!’

This special ga

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Parole Bid for Malcolm’s Assassin Halted?

By LittleRed:

A funny thing happened while on the way to a press conference officially condemning the release of an assassin of Malcolm X from the NY state prison system, Zayid Muhammad, the press officer for the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, got one of the most polite phone calls he had ever received.

The call came from of all places the NY State Parole Board.

“We had already made our condemnation known to the governor. We sounded the drum for the community to do the same. I guess someb
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Black Holocaust Memorial Day

Black Holocaust Remembrance Day” will be held this year at

1:00 pm, Saturday April 10, 2010 the New Horizon Mission Hall at 2207 Varnum Street at Eastern Ave.
(Near the Kaywood Theater) in Hyattsville, MD (outside
Washington, DC)

We are inviting Educators, Scholars, Historians, Teachers, Students, Parents and Elders to attend this memorable event. We are also inviting the followers of the Honorable Silis Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to attend this event, as well as, mem

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The Resilience of Haiti by A. Omar Muhammad

The Resilience of Haiti by A. Omar MuhammadThe memory of smelling the stench of dead bodies while driving through Port-Au-Prince and other areas of Haiti will only be a small part of what I took back home with me. I also took a host of other thoughts, emotions and a continued desire to give to those less fortunate.When I heard the news of the earthquake it seems like something took over and I knew that I would soon be in Haiti helping those who lost some of their family members in the earthquake
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