ai (2)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Let’s be honest.  The field of newsgathering has changed with the addition of electronic toys such as Smartphones and Selfie Sticks.  This does NOT mean that newsgathering has gotten any better—it just means that there are more girls and boys with electronic toys, but little in the way of ‘upstairs smarts’ to be a good reporter or 'journalist.'

      ‘Journalist’.  REAL reporters hate the term.  I should know.  I was a REAL reporter for quite a few years before I g

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Flex Prince A.i. is a hip hop artist from Jersey City, New Jersey who was born on July 18, 1997. A.i. has had an interest in music ever since he was a baby. From dancing, to playing an instrument, to even singing, A.i. has enjoyed many forms of music. He originally started writing songs and writing poetry at 11. By the time he was 15, he started rapping. At 16, he released one of his first songs on his SoundCloud under the name “MC-Ai.” At 17, he released his first EP titled “Codename: Abraham.

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