politricks (3)


                                                 From the Ramparts             

                                               Junious Ricardo Stanton

                             Classism, The Roots of Trump and Sanders Popularity

             "Classism is the systemic assignment of characteristics of worth and ability based on social class. It includes individual attitudes and behaviors; systems of polices and practices set up to benefit the upper cl

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The real Struggle


  From the Ramparts

 Junious Ricardo Stanton

 The Real Struggle


            "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

             As the political circus plays itself out, thinking people can see the psychopathy, mendacity and hypocrisy of this culture on full display in living color.  The crass quest for power and the weaknesses and corrupti

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                                                        From The Ramparts

                                                     Junious Ricardo Stanton

                                 Don't Believe The Hype, Don't Drink The Kool-Aid


            "It may be that during your lifetime you will not be formally judged as to your culpability or lack of culpability for the acts of your leaders. But in relation to Natural law, you will be guilty or not depending on

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