media (12)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      This may come as a shock to many of you, my young brother, but the media—especially Social Media—is NOT your friend (I capitalize SM for emphasis).  The media—including the Mainstream Press (of which I like to call it the “Mainstream Mess”) makes its money off the repackaging and recycling of stereotypes of Black men—including young Black men.  Further, in this ‘new age’ of electronic media through social platforms—under Diversity, Equity, and I

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3828590852?profile=originalWow, they are gonna get their divide and conquer by any means necessary.

Don't like it, protest it!
Don't like somebody else's leader ruling over you?
Protest it.

Somebody else's leader can go to hell in a hand basket. F 'em. Not my President!
I can hear the chanting.

Drop tons of dollars into the coffers of this corrupt system!Protest more and more, buy sharpies and card board and bus tickets and hotel rooms and show that Billionaire you can pay other billionaires you favor, to continue

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standard.jpgThe Media gave us Bill Cosby, a relatively unknown comedian who reached meteoric stardom. They made Bill Cosby and gave him certain privileges that they would not give to any other Black man during the 60's & 70's and like Fred Sanford would tell us, if the white man is doing it than it must be right. Remember how he wouldn't go to a black dentist? Well, during that time we too were struggling if we could trust a Black professional "anything" over a white one. Once Cosby was sanctioned by "white

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Habri gani all...

I'm Baba Bob Shipman, out of Philly...struggling until death do me part! as many of you!
For over 45 years starting at age 16 and 61 now i have dedicated my life to the struggle of of all people of color and the iunder class regardless of clolor or rank in this society.

Send donations here Past 8 years i have been struggling with a vocal cord issue called Spasmodic dysphonia. I have hearing

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It Is What It Is - New Release On Amazon

511I2MxUUCL._SL500_AA280_.jpg?width=350Music Preview: Itunes New Release: It Is What It Is. Produced And Performed By Gansta Marcus. This Is The First Release From The Up And Coming Cd "Broken Glass"

Take A Listen Below By Clicking The Link And Scrolling Half Way Down The Amazon Page And Pressing Play Sample

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Check out my new media thesis work. It is called CARGO. It is a poetic audio visual narrative artwork showing in META 2012 at AIRSHIP 37. CARGO discussed ibjectification and commodification of humans and life.  Here is a sample..."

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"Come join VaNessa Duplessie this week as she takes the mystery out of Outsourcing. Have you ever wondered how the most successful and productive people get it all done? Article Writing, Blogging, Social Media, Video Marketing, Prospecting, Lead Generation, oh my! In the world of running your own home based business there's only so much time in the day, especially if you are only working your business part time. Heck, even if you're working your business full time - you are only one person and t

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We endorse Carol Moseley Braun for Mayor Feb. 22

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For the first time in more than five decades, there won't be a Daley on the ballot for mayor of Chicago.

That alone would make the Feb. 22 election historic, but it also happens to fall on the same day that Harold Washington was elected to his first term in 1983. There is also the promise that this election will produce a city council that actually serves its constituents, instead of doing the bidding of Mayor Richard M

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With the history of racism and discrimination in the U.S., black people have become very observant. These skills have become very honed and polished over the years due to inequalities in all aspects of life. This is a trait that has led to many a court case being brought to flush out racism, to the benefit of generations to come. Some people have tried to underestimate these observational skills by marginalizing them. This has spawned the phrase"playing the race card".
When black people point out
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Black people in the United States are seeing through lenses that have been deliberately assigned to them by white mass manipulation experts. They are being conditioned to admire only whites and to hate themselves through a deliberately designed psychosocial program. It is a covert media driven program designed for ensuring the continuance of white dominance and control. All African Americans have experienced the burden of this applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others ha

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The Piling it on Theory--Why Kanye and not John Mayer???

When some people do things they are just dead wrong. Their actions can not be defended. However, when African-Americans commit an egregious act, many Whites may wonder why the Black community rallies to their defense. It is not that the Black community condones or approves of these actions, but rather it has to do with the modern day phenomenon called: Piling it on. To put this theory to the test look at the Kanye West ordeal and the John M

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