independence (7)

On Line Reviews by Mike Ramey

“We are going forward, and we shall keep going forward if we do not let these difficulties which sometimes occur discourage us.”

--Booker T. Washington, Author

“Character Building”


     The Bible.  Hard work.  Thrift.  Community investment.  Education.  Business building by men and women.  These might ‘seem’ like modern innovations.  However, if one knows their history, these items—and more—were the ‘norm’ in the old South after the Civil War and Reconstruction Era.  They were proclaimed by many b

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Habri gani all...

I'm Baba Bob Shipman, out of Philly...struggling until death do me part! as many of you!
For over 45 years starting at age 16 and 61 now i have dedicated my life to the struggle of of all people of color and the iunder class regardless of clolor or rank in this society.

Send donations here Past 8 years i have been struggling with a vocal cord issue called Spasmodic dysphonia. I have hearing

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The murder of James Anderson

How far has the United States of America come from its violent, racist past? What evidence do we have today that minorities, especially black people, have a better chance of being treated equally by a society dominated by wealthy white elites? Why are there still so many deaths and disappearances due to the color of a person’s skin? Many people believe that the United States has moved on from slavery and Jim Crow segregation to an era where one is judged by the content of his/her character and n

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Independence Day 2011

June 30, 2011


Raynard Jackson


More than 40 years ago, both political parties (Democratic and Republicans) made strategic decisions that are still being felt today.


In the 1960s, the Republican Party formally adopted the “Southern Strategy.”  The Southern Strategy was a deliberate strategy by the Republican Party of the 1960s concocted to win elections in Southern states by exploiting anti-Black racism among southern white voters.  These voters were previously loyal to the Democratic Party becaus

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Supreme Court Deneis A Hearing For Troy

In the Name of AllahThe case of Troy Anthony Davis, Brother Mumia, Javon Dawson, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, the so-called SF8 on and on and on and on proves beyond the shadow of a doubt. Meakes me ask the question: Why are we still celebrating every hollowday, especially Hollomas that our slave-master can come up with...we ain't pick'n cotton! Or are we?Messenger Elijah Muhammad: "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THE SO-CALLED NEGROS WHO HAVE SHED OUR BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS BUILDING THE COUNTRY
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AfrikaTalk: Realizing the Potential

Ory Okolloh tells the story of her life and her family -- and how she came to do her heroic work reporting on the doings of Kenya's parliament. About Ory Okolloh<

About this talk;
Ory Okolloh maintains the blog Mzalendo, providing an unprecedented look at the doingsof Kenya's parliament -- information once unavailable to Kenyan citizens.
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