cosby (9)

The Media gave us Bill Cosby, a relatively unknown comedian who reached meteoric stardom. They made Bill Cosby and gave him certain privileges that they would not give to any other Black man during the 60's & 70's and like Fred Sanford would tell us, if the white man is doing it than it must be right. Remember how he wouldn't go to a black dentist? Well, during that time we too were struggling if we could trust a Black professional "anything" over a white one. Once Cosby was sanctioned by "white
NB Commentary: All too often we get things twisted. Actors are just that, actors. Their personal persona is NOT on stage, yet we identify with them as though their character on stage is who they really are rather than the mind control puppets that they truly are.
by Gloria Dulan-Wilson
It's 3:00 AM, and I'm going through my emails – something, being a night owl, I do routinely, in preparation for writing, or researching for my blog or a news article – when I see Bill Cosby's name in the subject line of an email. So, of course I zoom in on it because, anything about Cosby I'm going to read. He's one of my heroes.
What I read made me sad, then disappointed, and finally angry. It was an online response to an article that has been circulating the intern
By Gloria Dulan-Wilson
I hope I have sufficiently shocked you to attention, because there is a disaster brewing right under our noses, right in the Black family community, that has been flying low under the radar.
As a matter of fact, I and others would probably not have become aware of it had it not been announced at Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push 15th Anniversary Wall Street Initiative, during a panel discussion on the disappearing Black media.
Talk about a shock! When James L. Winston, Execut
Letter to Dr. King
Originally Published: Jan. 31, 2005
January 17, 2011
Raynard Jackson
You didn't know me when you were here,
But through your words I feel you are near.
I was too young for the demonstration,
But I learned about you in my education.
You said we all were created equal,
But maybe now we need a new sequel.
Because I don't know what happened to the dream,
Nor the members of your team.
Yeah, Andy's made a name,
Jesse got some fame.
But what happened to the vision?
Seems it's been lost to indecisio
LIKE SARAH PALIN, BILL COSBY JUST keeps on talking. He has shown up yet again with more comments lately on cable news, and on the lucrative lecture circuit, continuing to malign and slander African Americans (witness his latest middlebrow, psychobabble Walmark book, "Come on, People: On The Path From Victims to Victors" another mediocre tract contemptuous of real socio-political causality and of real material conditions faced by Afric