americans (12)


Nana's Commentary:

tumblr_n6e2q8Xfzf1ram4lgo1_500.jpg?width=150I remember thinking to myself, back in 1990; "I wonder what has happened to Black Folks as a result of Slavery?" It was like an epiphany, as I can actually remember where I was sitting when it occurred to me.
I had just entered the field of mental health having started off in Sociology. Somehow, life lead me to the field of Mental Health and particularly as a result of wanting to use Cultural Enrichment as a way for healing and benefiting Black folks who have so many odds stacke
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 Why Black African Americas Should Care About Fracking?


C. Earl Campbell DA 3rd, MSW

The answer is clear. We too value clean air and water. Black African Americans have all too often been the victims of environmental racism caused by Corporate greed. Hydraulic fracturing is a process used in nine out of 10 natural gas wells in the United States, where millions of gallons of water, sand and toxic chemicals (poisons) are pumped underground to break apart Shale Rock in order to release the gas trap

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             Mass Hypnosis

This is how we (the white elites) will win the game
Let just a few live the dream
Marches, sit-ins all in vain
Make 'em think they overcame

Show 'em an empty Jim Crowe grave
Apologize for making 'em slaves
Rising tempers, we must tame
Make 'em think they overcame.

Let a few experience success
Toms come aboard and control the rest
Millions will be left in pain
But they'll think they overcame.

 ("Mass Hypnosis" - All rights reserved by Mary Neal 11/13/10)


The preceded poem precisely

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“Instead of Waiting On The World To Change just open your eyes and see the truth"
 Educate yourselves about what is really going on, and avoid the trap that so many have fallen so deeply into.

During the 1960’s Black revolutionaries such as Malcolm X and Stokley Carmichael were most often revered as heroes of the black community.  Today we often find that such like minded Blacks that are culturally conscious (Afro-centric/ Black Revolutionary types) are often misunderstood or underappreciated by t

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Many African Americans now holds the opinion that in the face of greater gained opportunities that many within their race became their own worst enemies. It is not uncommon to hear these negative sentiments about their own race now echoed by many African Americans themselves—they that consider themselves as being exceptions to this norm. This perception often engenders profound feelings of immense humiliati

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Not every conspiracy is a theory; Black people are being mass manipulated.

"Just because truth has been omitted, does not mean that truth is not true. Just because reality has not been perceived, does not mean that it is not real”.

Stan Moore,

Since 2007 I have been unrelentingly engaged in the dissemination of information asserting that as a means of maintaining its white dominance and control, the US government has been using perception management techniques against its Black population. It is

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The US government’s intelligence divisions have developed advances in the studies of behavioral psychology that have given them much more control over its population. It initially used these advancements to develop psychological warfare programs used to manipulate foreign populations, but it was eventually decided that this same method of psychological warfare could be used domestically as a tool to manipulate public opinion.
Today to control and produce uniformity among the masses, the U.S. gov

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The March 2010 CDC report stated that nearly half of black women in the U.S. carried the Herpes virus. Here's why those statistics and others like them may be misleading.

The March 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sited startling high levels of the genital herpes virus among African American woman. The report found that 48 percent of African-American women have been exposed to the virus that causes genital herpes. The report gave many African Americans the al

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Many African Americans now holds the opinion that in the face of greater gained opportunities that many within their race became their own worst enemies. It is a perception that often engenders profound feelings of immense humiliation, racial self contempt, and disunity among many African Americans in the 21st-century. But are these depictions and self perception of African Americans correct?
Scores of African Americans now shar

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Black people in the United States are seeing through lenses that have been deliberately assigned to them by white mass manipulation experts. They are being conditioned to admire only whites and to hate themselves through a deliberately designed psychosocial program. It is a covert media driven program designed for ensuring the continuance of white dominance and control. All African Americans have experienced the burden of this applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others ha

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Stop the Lie - Understand the Truth about Thanksgiving
WE Don't Do Thanksgiving - because until the situation is equalized across the board, in our humble opinion; There Ain't Nothin to Celebrate.Today We Honor and Join with our Native Peoples in their statement for the Truth and Rights about the North American Peoples' Holocaust.

Now Hol Dis !

Thanksgiving: A National Day of Mourning for Indians

by Moonanum James and Mahtowin Munro

Every year since 1970, United American Indians of New England have organized the National Day of Mourning observance in
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Domestic terrorism activities grow after vote, expert says

BY ROBERT MEDLEY- Published: November 13, 2008 ( uprising in white supremacist activities in the state appears to be inspired by the recent presidential election, an expert on domestic terrorism said Wednesday.

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Hate group propaganda on the Rise after the Election of Barack Obama -

Nov 13 An Oklahoma Highway Patrol official says yes.

Lt. Gary Thornberry, an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper and member of an FBI joint
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