culture (15)


The%2BBeyonc%25C3%25A9%2BPhenomenon-Appreciation%2Bor%2BExploitation.png?width=320"Culture Vultures come in all shapes and sizes, and even those whom you least expect are doing just that, using another's culture and tradition to further their own gain."

Now let me start by saying that it is quite obvious that there are plenty of people who sing the praises of the Queen B.  They shake, rattle and roll at her awesomeness and find her to be a great example for their daughters.  Then over in a tiny corner, far from view are just a few people who are not so taken by her. 

So, if yo
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                                                  3828584693?profile=original                                                ~ From The Ramparts, by Junious Ricardo Stanton ~                        

            "Western consumer culture is creating a psycho-spiritual crisis that leaves us disoriented and bereft of purpose. How can we treat our sick culture and make ourselves well?"  John F. Shumaker The Demoralized Mind

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African Deep Thought



                                                 From The Ramparts

                                                Junious Ricardo Stanton

                                               African Deep Thought


            "The word 'Ubuntu' comes from one of the Bantu dialects of Africa. It is a traditional African philosophy that gives an understanding of us as human beings in relation with the rest of the world. According to Ubuntu, there exists a common l

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3828579088?profile=originalNB Commentary: Let me preface my commentary with these words, yes, my commentary is biased, yes, it may have even been a little bit emotional, and yes, I may have been a little curt if not with a tinge of anger, but sometimes when someone gets on YouTube and provides "disinformation" as if they are an expert on a subject they are talking about... well it just rubs me. It is a particular rub for me in this case as this is a subject that I have explored, studied, understood it pros and cons across
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Samuda Smith Publications





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Everyting - Bless


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Check out PANTHER NEWSLETTER the on line cultural review from Birmingham, UK. It's the newsletter everybody is talking about.



Thought Provoking Creative Educational and Fun

Enjoy your reading experience and share the knowledge with them and those you love the most.


Everyting - Bless

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lincoln University Class of 67 Celebrates Our 45th Graduation Anniversaryby Gloria Dulan-WilsonI am so proud of being a proud graduate of Lincoln University, the first Black College in the US.

It is now over 158 years, and was originally founded as Ashmun Institute

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Many hands on the worldOne of the best aspects of the Internet is that there are so many authors speaking about so many varied and diverse topics.  As I read politically or racially charged pieces I often see this quote from a commenter: "I don't see race".   The writer usually says this like this is some badge of honor. "I don't see race so therefore I can't  discriminate".  Most people who write this are full of shit. 

For those who truly "don't see race" however I say that they are missing out on the very thing that

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  Cameroon Lobe Cascade (the only place in the world where a waterfall enters the Atlantic Ocean through a water Cascade). Beautiful rapid sceneries of the sea and relaxation on the beach. Lunch in a restaurant where you can enjoy fresh sea products. Visit to the Grand Batanga Museum with very varied anddiversified artifacts.3828528807?profile=original   

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Join me on my radio show every Saturday at 8:00pm PDT
All Guest Hosts Please arrive 15 minutes prior to Air Time?
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A show where your voice will never be silenced.

America's Hall's of Education Where The Separation of Church and State is said to have Wreaked Cultural Havoc for Generations

WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME To MinWDPatterson On BlogTalkRadio International

"Re-Educating The Black Plight In America" This blog talk show is
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Empowering Our Daughters

KUUMBA PROMOS & PR SERVICESc/o Asinia Lukata Chikuyu/Founder/Project CoordinatorPost Office Box 11095Jackson, Mississippi 39283-1095phone 601/957-2969 or 601.982.0795 [fax#] - email - afrikan_tbt@yahoo.comMonday, May 18, 2009Press Release:For Immediate UseContact: Aki Lukata - 601.957.2969 or 601.982.0861Call for Abstracts/Papers2009 Sistahood Town Hall Meeting“Changing Me! Changing You” - Part 1 & 2Saturday - June 27, 2009 & Saturday - December 12, 20098:30am - 1:30 pmJackson, MississippiTraine
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Black History, R. I. P.?

by Dr. Pamela D. ReedNow that Barack Obama is President of the United States, why don't we just pretend that America wasn't built on slaveholding?If the spate of recent "post-racial" articles suggesting that we need no longer commemorate the African American struggle for freedom and equality in this country is any indication, this seems to be where we're heading.This is a classic case of the phenomenon called selective history/memory, or as some have termed it, historical amnesia.We've been bomb
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Reparations 101:The Context Card

Reparations 101:The Context CardBy Minister Ari S. Merretazon, M.S.CED, Board Member, Northeast Representative,National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)Too many people in high, middle, and low places in America are still in denial about the crimes against humanity represented by the monstrous destruction of human life, culture, and human possibilities called The Holocaust of African Enslavement and Trade.This human tragedy covers a continuum from 1440 to the present.Often
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PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEE-MAIL: ctgcehh@gmail.comPHONE: 770.651.8091DID YOU KNOW HIP HOP HISTORY MONTH EXISTS? SIGN THE PETITION!INTERNATIONAL/ USA – March 15, 2009 – Not many people know that HIP HOP has its own HISTORY MONTH, in November. And…HIP HOP HISTORY MONTH has been established as November, for some years. On NOVEMBER 12, 1974, the name “Hip Hop” was born. Thus, November 12, every year, is the actual anniversary of hip hop.Why does the public not know this? And for those who
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Good day and blessings.On behalf of our teenage generation who needs us more today than ever before, please consider supporting and / or participating in this event, and sharing this information among your circles of influence:Happy Black History Month, sisters and brothers, and those to whom it should concern:As my “calling" is to uplift the quality of life and learning for our young generation in a country and media-based society seemingly more intent on turning our children into prisoners and
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