western (4)


                                                  3828584693?profile=original                                                ~ From The Ramparts, by Junious Ricardo Stanton ~                        

            "Western consumer culture is creating a psycho-spiritual crisis that leaves us disoriented and bereft of purpose. How can we treat our sick culture and make ourselves well?"  John F. Shumaker The Demoralized Mind http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44653

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3828579088?profile=originalNB Commentary: Let me preface my commentary with these words, yes, my commentary is biased, yes, it may have even been a little bit emotional, and yes, I may have been a little curt if not with a tinge of anger, but sometimes when someone gets on YouTube and provides "disinformation" as if they are an expert on a subject they are talking about... well it just rubs me. It is a particular rub for me in this case as this is a subject that I have explored, studied, understood it pros and cons across
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John-Powell_854023.jpg?width=350By John Powell | It is becoming increasingly clear that the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, has a more realistic approach to the crisis in Syria than the Western leaders. With the power of hindsight, it can now be seen that if President Assad had been supported, instead of the opposition, there would have been no Islamic State in Syria and probably not in Iraq either. It is now up to the West to accept the leadership of Russia and try to avoid Syria going the way of Iraq and Libya, where the rem

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In 1991, the Soviet Union and communism collapsed and now with the severe contraction in credit markets, capitalism is in similarly deep trouble; and. Fuller's 1981 prediction about the demise of the world's power structures certainly cannot be good news for those who attended the 56 th Bilderberg meeting held June 5-8 in Chantilly , VA.The Bilderberger are believed by many to be the world's ruling elite, those who determine the world's direction—at least the western world's, as attendees are ov
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