greed (5)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Back in the 1990s, there was a rather cute toon by the name of “Pinky and the Brain”.  Pinky was the dumb rodent; the Brain was super smart.  The running tag (or gag) line for the series floated this way: “Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”  “The same every night, Pinky…try to take over the world!”

      I thought of that toon while watching an interesting gathering earlier in 2023.  In case you may have tuned in late, another annual edition of the Davos sh

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The Courage To Change The World
(A Call To Action)
Charles E. Campbell

It is my Business! It is your Business! It is our Business!
Consciousness calls one to have the moral courage to “Square Up” against wrong and injustice. Let cowards be afraid, but not me! Not us!

Personal Responsibility demands the defense of the weak. I/We will defend our children from abuse, our women from bad love, the elderly from being victimized and our humanity from tyrants at home, in our community, our nation and

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The world needs power and clean coal was the cheapest, but it's causing global warming and climate change.  Until now, those who were against the use of fossil fuels did not have a viable solution to replace them. Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC) a cleantech startup has invented a solution, but President Obama's Administration and Energy Companies don't want it funded or known about.  AHEC's Power Plants are 70 Story Buildings that produce more hydroelectricity than China's Three Gorges Dam

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Cuptoopia Free Android App has a FREE Android App at
iPhone and iPad Apps are coming next week. Download it and start making money by scheduling a Pay-Per-View Events for only $25. You get 80% of the revenue from the event. Need an idea for an event, visit Social Networking for fun is ok, but making money is even better.  

iPhone / iPad App will be available Next Week.  

Join today

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Solution To Corporate Greed Petition




Dear Friends, Occupy Wall Street and American Corporations and 1%ers:


I just created a petition entitled American Corporations Using Capitalism To Mask Greed: They should voluntarily change their By-Laws to require that 25% of their profits be donated to address social & educational issues.   I, along with Occupy Wall Street, care deeply about this very important issue.  This would be one way for Corporations to show the 99% that they are willing to self correct their greedy behavior.

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