justice (29)

Mumia & the D.A. candidates

By MILTON McGRIFFEACH of the candidates for Philadelphia district attorney recently told Daily Newscolumnist Michael Smerconish that, if elected, they'd pursue the death penalty for Mumia Abu-Jamal in the event of a new sentencing hearing or new trial.One, Seth Williams, noted that he'd attended hearings and studied court documents and trial notes before making his decision.Three police reports and a page one Daily News story (Jan. 9, 1982) on preliminary- hearing testimony aren't in the origina
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Closing the circle of abolition and restitution with reparations:Corrective economic justiceBy Minister Ari S. Merretazon, M.S.CEDBritain abolished the slave trade 200 years ago. Its landmarks are an abiding legacy of cruelty. Before the 18th century, very few White men and women questioned the morality of slavery as it was public policy. The Quakers were among these few. However, it was the Black resistance and rebellions that destroyed chattel slavery. Abolitionists facilitated and resourced t

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Dial in to the bi-weekly series of conference calls hosted by the Applied Research Center. Justice advocates on the Compact Forum calls will track the first 100 days of the Obama administration and shape plans to influence policy affecting racial justice. In addition to engaging featured speakers, participants will share progress on local, state and national efforts, and join a call to action on key issues. Interested individuals must RSVP by the Monday before the call. Interested individuals m
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Troy Speaks

UPDATE: ANOTHER STAY FOR TROY"...let Justice roll down like water, And Righteousness as a Mighty stream"Friends, I could not be happier to share with you that Troy Davis received a stay of execution - this means that his execution scheduled for Monday night is OFF! The stay is based on a new appeal that was filed Wednesday seeking permission to file a new lawsuit based on innocence claims.On behalf of GFADP, the board and our members, we offer our sincerest thanks to all the folks at the Georgia
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Supreme Court Deneis A Hearing For Troy

In the Name of AllahThe case of Troy Anthony Davis, Brother Mumia, Javon Dawson, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, the so-called SF8 on and on and on and on proves beyond the shadow of a doubt. Meakes me ask the question: Why are we still celebrating every hollowday, especially Hollomas that our slave-master can come up with...we ain't pick'n cotton! Or are we?Messenger Elijah Muhammad: "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THE SO-CALLED NEGROS WHO HAVE SHED OUR BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS BUILDING THE COUNTRY
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Global Presence!

In the Name of AllahAs-Salaam Alaikum,"THE EARTH BELONGS TO THE BLACK MAN!"...Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of AllahAfter reading Dr. Runoko Rashidi's reflections regarding his trip to Myannmar it occured to me thatDr. Rashidi has done a great service to our Nation of People through his extensive travels and studiesthroughout the years. He goes where most of us are unable to go. He gives us eyewitness accountsof peoples and places from the prespectives which reflect "OUR" point-of-iew --- as oppose
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