panther (5)


Beyonce%2Band%2Bher%2Bgang%2B2-2016.jpg?width=320Beyonce and her Girl Gang

NB Commentary: I enter this discussion kicking and screaming and swearing to myself that I am not, and I mean, am not gonna fall prey to the hype. But today, I had to come forth with another blog post.  I was compelled by the comments under many of the pictures posted of her and her girl gang at the Super Bowl and how some folks were actually seeing it as a Powerful Movement, a statement about Black Power, a high five to Malcolm X, and the insane indicators of it being a

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My name is Sundiata Acoli (Soon-dee-AH’-tah  Ah-COH’-lee). I’m a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army (BPP/BLA) who was captured on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973 and am now a Black Political Prisoner and Prisoner of War (PP/POW) who’s been held by the government for the last 37 years.

        So why should you care about any of this or particularly, why should you support Black PP/POWs? Well, maybe you shouldn’t. If you’re happy with the way the US, and the wo

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“Obey the law…Be law-biding, but if somebody puts his hands on you, send them to the cemetery!...”

Malcolm X, Message to the Grassroots, November 1963


“You haven’t got integration in New York City. If you can’t get integration in New York City as up to date and cosmopolitan as it is, you’ll never get it anywhere else in this country…”
Malcolm X, Theresa Hotel, 1st Post Mecca Press Conference, May 1964

Dear Governor Paterson,


I am most sure that we, the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, spe

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Malik Zulu Shabazz, the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party and founder of Black Lawyers for Justice, considered by many to be the boldest young national Black leader on the scene, will be coming to New York City for a special sitdown with the Black press and others in what he is calling ‘Operation Counter Attack! Stop The Attack on the New Black Panther Party and Black Leadership!’

This special ga

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Kasama Podcasts presents an interview with former Black Panther Minister of Culture Emory Douglas. The interview was conducted by Kazembe Balagun.Listen to this interviewSubscribe to Kasama podcastsVisit our Kasama podcast archive [1]Kazembe writes:“Emory Douglas was the official artist of the Black Panther Party and for a time served as its Minister of Culture. His cartoons, illustrations and woodcuts graced the cover of the Black Panther newspaper and were revered internationally for its explo
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