crime (6)

The New Gang Line Blogger By Mike Ramey



      In picking up where I left off in our last thrill-packed episode, we were talking about the third ‘time shift’ concerning Modern Street Gangs.  The influx of foreign gang and cartel members, illegals with gang ties, and terrorists fueled by witchcraft, satanic worship and demonic infestation—along with hard-core narcotics--have made their way from the southern—and northern borders—into a variety of states.

      History has repeated itself

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 My second book in the "Leave the Rat Race to the Rats" trilogy has been released. It is titled "Tackling Crime and Policing in the Ghetto with Goodwillism". The final book in the trilogy, "Overcoming Political Impotence in the Ghetto with Goodwillism" will be released soon.


About the Book
"Tackling Crime and Policing in the Ghetto with Goodwillism"
The greed and the ruthlessness of the dehumanizing money-chasing rat race culture serve as a catalyst for crime. Crime is a major factor for the mise

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NB Commentary

I have been hesitant to be drawn into this alleged crime/false flag/hoax for the past few days as I do believe that  a crime certainly had been committed and possibly several crimes to be sure but then the information came across my desk and this video is so compelling I had to share it and comment.
7 Things I learned today.
  1. The suspects were handcuffed and drug out of the back of the SUV. Now how is that possible if they were supposedly shooting at the police while driving. See video
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If we are to win Black Power in MertoEast in Saint Louis, Missouri, we must deal with the issue of crime there. I have decided to go for it. I need your feedback and input. I think this is the right approach is for no other reason that it is unavoidable. Every time I deal with Brooklyn or Washington Park, I am confronted with corruption and prostitution. I have concluded that prostitution is at the root of nearly all of our social problems in the African community, out of wedlock childb

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I received an e-mail from Wallace "Gator" Bradley, regarding an e-mail that was being circulated regarding a proposed Monday afternoon meeting with Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr at Rainbow/PUSH regarding solutions to crime, assuming that I was overlooked and may indeed be welcome to this Monday's meeting or to provide some input.

The first things that sticks out to me are "activists" and "community organizers" missing from the subject matter, text of the meeting and systematic part of the plan of act

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Justice Inc. is a Non-Profit National Civil Rights Organization dedicated to educating young people about civil and criminal law. We will provide assistance to those in need and be an advocate for the family. The primary objective of Justice Inc. is to educate society about the potential pitfalls of the litigation process while encouraging all citizens to respect the laws. Working with local community leaders, Justice Inc. will conduct seminars across the nation focusing on civil and criminal le
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