cointelpro (10)

The FBI's War on Black Bookstores

[By Joshua Clark Davis - Feb. 19, 2018]
In the spring of 1968, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover announced to his agents that COINTELPRO, the counter-intelligence program established in 
 1956 to combat communists, should focus on preventing the rise of a “Black ‘messiah’” who sought to “unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement.” The program, Hoover insisted, should target figures as ideologically diverse as Black Power activist Stokely Carmichael 
(later Kwame Ture), Martin Lut
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Thandi-Headshot_ONE-2-185x300.jpgThandisizwe Chimurenga 

[10/27/2014] In the Spring of 2013, my friend and comrade James Simmons approached me and asked me if I would be involved in an effort to hold Mischa Culton, who calls himself General T.A.C.O. (Taking All Capitalsts Out) accountable for alleged crimes against members of his own organization, the Black Riders Liberation Party (BRLP), and others in the Black and Brown community. This was not the first time I had heard about T.A.C.O.'s alleged crimes against Black people; I h

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By Saeed Shabazz ~
 Freelance Journalist

 The Left Forum convened its annual three-day confab at Pace Univ. from March 16 to18, which boasts of being the largest gathering in North America of the United States and international Left. The ‘Black Left’ was well represented; a ‘who’s-who’ in the Black Radical/Black Liberation movement in North America.

Names such as Dr. Maulana Karenga, Dr. Roderick Bush, Amiri Baraka, Sam Anderson, Dr. Johanna Fernandez, Dr. Michael Dawson, Dr. Komozi Woodard, Bill

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By Bro.Zayid Muhammad*

For those of you who think that COINTELPRO is a thing of the remote past, think again.
We have, upon bullet and bone solid information and belief, we have good reason to believe that it is alive and well!

On Dec. 12, the NY police department, in tow, with federal agents, raided, ransacked and ravaged the home of elder NY Black Panther legend, Cyril Innis, best known to his comrades as ‘Capt. Bullwhip,’ for his tough, no nonsense taskmaster demeanor.

They went to the j
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The Black Riders Liberation Party (BRLP), a new generation Black Panthers 
formation, has faced down non-stop repression for a decade and a half and 
continued to educate, agitate and organize militant efforts to free Black 
people, and all oppressed people, based on a program of revolutionary African 
Intercommunalism. They recently scored another victory by defeating state 
efforts to violate the parole of General T.A.C.O. (Taking All Capitalists 
Out) AKA Wolverine Shakur, a member of their c

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Why We Are We Still Marchin' ?

by TRUTH Minista Paul Scott

I have marched until my feet have bled and I have rioted until they called the Feds.
What's left my conscious said?
                                    "Revolution"  Arrested Development

When folks gather in DC for the Jobs and Justice March and the Martin Luther King Memorial dedication this weekend, I betcha a million bucks that somebody is gonna pose the same question that people have been asking for the last 40 years. "What would Martin Luther King Jr say if he was he
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RUTH Minista Paul Scott ~
March 3, 1991. What started off as just another case of a brotha gettin' beat
down by the Po Po, would set off a chain of events that would forever change
the socio-political dynamics of America, especially for the Hip Hop
Although, they beating of Rodney King by four Los Angeles police officers
happened 20 years ago, the shock waves from the event are still being felt
today. To grasp the gravity of the situation one has to look at it in
historical terms.

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The Real Beef: Time to go H.A.M.

There's a war going on outside, no man is safe from.
                           Survival of the Fittest-Mobb Deep

By Min. Paul Scott ~

It was destined to happen; a war of massive proportions that had been predicted for months. The masses sat hypnotized by their wide screens watching the events unfold. I'm not talking about the rebellion in Egypt, I'm talking about the season premier of "Beef" on Fuse TV.

For the last couple of years, Fuse TV has aired the Beef series, shows that showcase the sometim
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“Obey the law…Be law-biding, but if somebody puts his hands on you, send them to the cemetery!...”

Malcolm X, Message to the Grassroots, November 1963


“You haven’t got integration in New York City. If you can’t get integration in New York City as up to date and cosmopolitan as it is, you’ll never get it anywhere else in this country…”
Malcolm X, Theresa Hotel, 1st Post Mecca Press Conference, May 1964

Dear Governor Paterson,


I am most sure that we, the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, spe

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From The Original Million Woman March & The Official National/International Million Woman Movement Black History Month 2008 Activities (Partial Listing) Philly, PA Black Student's, Youth, and Young Adults Forums Tribute To The Black Student's Contribution to the Civil Rights Movement & Black Liberation Movement and Their Necessary Roles Today. Critique and Examination of the Black Youth and Student Organizations in 1960's-70's Special Sessions/Training on Reparations, Community & Grass Roots Or
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