Kwasi's ruminations, comments and commentaries that are other wise and otherwise could empower and point to a new view of life and experience of being alive. My view from here, now.

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The Elephant In The Room Is Nuclear War.

There is no elephant in the room, it's a nuclear bomb. Politicians and influencers jet around carbonizing the world spreading the "ghostpel" of Global Warming and Climate Change. While uncaring or being frogs in a pot, there is there in their midst the prevailing threat of Nuclear War as the mother or all threats to Climate Change and Global Warming. ~#Kwasibility~  

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It's Nuclear War, and not Climate Change, stupid!

It's not Climate Change, stupid! Nuclear War is a Clear And Present Danger to the environment. It's an Incovenient Truth that Nuclear War, WWlll, will murderously change The Environment. Like Nero we palaces of combating ideologies changing the thing that's forever changing and that is forever unchangeable while ignoring that which is changeable, the march to Nuclear Annihilation. But, but, could this be in the design of the natural order - humans are not distinct and separate…

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