Golden Krust Jamaican Hard Dough Bread
I enjoy bread; however, I have suddenly developed an acute sensitivity and intolerance of salt, the only bread I am able to enjoy is my Golden Krust Jamaican Hard Dough Bread. I will walk a mile for my Hard Dough Bread, but, please Mr. Golden Krust, won't you stock my neighbourhood grocery and deli.
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One of America's Oldest Men - Is His Controversial Anti-Aging Advice Right For You?
He is 109 years old Vegan on raw food (no flesh eating, no dairy and no cigarettes) since around 5 years old.
Yesterday (November 17, 1020), I (Dr. Robert Cohen a SDA doctor) received this news of a
new study from PR Newsweb.
"A new study published by Joel Fuhrman, M.D., in Nutrition Journal
reveals for the first time ever that people who follow a diet high
in micronutrients feel less hunger overall and suffer less discomfort
from hunger, even when they consume fewer calories."
* * * * * * * * *
AUTHORS: Joel Fuhrman, et. al.
CITATION: Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:51doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-51
7 November 2010
METHOD: 768 human subjects ate either a high nutrient density
diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables or the standard
American diet consisiting of a low nutrient density diet.
Researchers report:
"Nearly 80% of respondents reported that their experience of
hunger had changed since starting the high nutrient density
diet, with 51% reporting a dramatic or complete change in
their experience of hunger."
"Hunger is one of the major impediments to successful weight loss.
Our findings suggest that it is not simply the caloric content,
but more importantly, the micronutrient density of a diet that
influences the experience of hunger. It appears that a high
nutrient density diet, after an initial phase of adjustment
during which a person experiences "toxic hunger" due to withdrawal
from pro-inflammatory foods, can result in a sustainable eating
pattern that leads to weight loss and improved health. A high
nutrient density diet provides benefits for long-term health as
well as weight loss."
Robert Cohen
Senate food safety bills clears one hurdle; amendment battle persist 11/18/2010)
Sally Schuff on site
The Senate's key legislation to reform FDA's food safety authorities, S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, is facing one more procedural delay even though it advanced Nov. 17 on a 74 - 25 cloture vote which blocked a filibuster.
Under Senate rules, the bill must wait 30 hours after the cloture vote for the start of floor action -- unless there is agreement to proceed. That agreement stalled because of amendments Senators want to add. Sen. Tom Coburn, (R., Okla.) is insisting on an amendment to the food safety bill which would ban Senate earmarks. Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.) reported Nov. 18 he had reached an agreement to include language in the bill to exempt small producers who sell direct – unless they are involved in an outbreak of foodborne illness. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) has withdrawn her request for an amendment that would ban the chemical BPA from food packaging.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has threatened to keep the Senate in session this weekend to vote on the bill. If Reid relents and lets the Senate go home without a vote, floor action could be delayed until the week of Nov. 29 when the lame duck session re-convenes after the Thanksgiving recess. Currently that is the final week scheduled before the 111th Congress adjourns. There is speculation, however, the lame duck session will be extended up to Christmas.
The bill, S. 510, would expand the food inspection authorities of the Food and Drug Administration, would require food safety plans for processors, and would give FDA mandatory recall authority. It is viewed as bipartisan legislation and supported by several industry groups as well as food safety advocates. Following Wednesday's vote the Grocery Manufacturers Association president Pamela Bailey applauded the action noting the cloture vote brought "us one step closer to passage of this important legislation."
GMA lauded the bill's provision, which include:
Requiring all food companies to develop a food safety plan;
Adopting a risk-based approach to inspection; and
Improving the safety of imported food and food ingredients.
Yet, according to Ingrid owner of List
"The vote on Senate Bill S.510 was as follows: all Democrats and some Republicans voted yes on the cloture. Citizens for Health has been working for years to protect our rights, both the rights of patients and those of practitioners. They have been very effective in many campaigns and deserve our recognition and gratitude. They feel that there is still a fairly long road ahead for this dastardly piece of legislation and that we must continue to hound members of Congress, you know, the ones who ignore their constituents. As someone who often sticks my neck out, I want to say that what Sen. Coburn has done in terms of thwarting this bill can only be done when he feels the support, not only of members of his state of Oklahoma, but of thousands and thousands of people in other states.
Debate in the Senate is now over, but the vote is still to come and every single one of the 75 senators who voted "yes" needs to receive tens of thousands of emails every day. Even if the senators feel secure for the moment, they are still aware of the massive voter rejection that will result in many new faces in the next session of Congress.
If the bill passes the Senate, there will still have to be reconciliation with the House version of the bill before whoever is in the Oval Office is presented with a pen. During this time, amendments can be considered that stay the hands of regulators so that what one does in the privacy of one's own garden is free of the threat of overzealous tsars. Citizens for Health seems confident that focused opposition can still make a difference."
And she adds, "Our Congress has tried to exonerate themselves by saying they hadn't read the legislation before voting. It might be just a bit too much to ask them to read something before voting? They have staff so the excuse is rather pathetic. Who writes the legislation? Not those who were elected but rather those who padded the paws so the question of who benefits is very important. In the current effort to criminalize seed saving, we know who benefits: all the biotech companies. Has anyone found out why Monsanto has retained the services of Xe, formerly known as Blackwater? It might be time to check for fingerprints on S. 510.
This is now enough on this except that I will keep nudging you to write your senators.
There is much more to discuss so I will try to keep up some momentum there as well.
Many blessings,
Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw gardening and saving seeds
This bill is important for us to protest, the government involvement in us healthy eaters.
Here is some valuable info for those who are health conscious and not health conscious. Please share with others.
Pres. Obama's Executive Order # 13544 of June 10, 2010
Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council
This is the legal framework for giving the UN complete control over all food, vitamins, and natural products sold in the U.S.
Note: So, this means we no longer must be health conscious?
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Whatever anyone else says or does, their words and their actions are truly about themselves. Don't take it personally when they rant, even if they direct their unhappiness in your direction.
While I appreciate how unpleasant it is to have others making unreasonable demands of you, it may help to remind yourself that it's not personal. Others are often 100% focused on their own issues and their own perceived needs. They project their frustration out into the mirror of life. When they look into that mirror, they think they are seeing your face, but in reality, they are seeing their own emotions.
Remember to love yourself and to take time for yourself.
Thanks for this very informative post. I have copied the list and plan to take it with me when shopping until I have memorized the data.