Keep Your Head Up!

Keep Your Head Up!

Junious Ricardo Stanton



As we begin to transverse this new year and another trip around the sun, we must resist the temptation to slip into a funk of pessimism, discouragement or depression over things we have absolutely no control. Inflation is beyond our control, it is what it is. Shop wisely, be thrifty. We cannot control the weather, we cannot control the recklessness, malfeasance and corruption we are witnessing all around us and we certainly cannot control what our coworkers, neighbors and family members think, believe and do.

The only things we can control are our own thoughts, our emotions and how we behave. We live in a society that promotes external orientation, passive acquiescence to the programming and indoctrination beamed at us twenty-four seven. The powers that shouldn’t be want us to focus on everything outside of ourselves, internalize their narratives instead of thinking for ourselves., buy stuff we don’t need, and behave in ways that are counterproductive to our health and well being but that continue to enrich and empower them.

The election is over Trump won, get over it. There were folks who swore up and down if Trump won they would leave the country rather than live here under his administration.. As far as I can see most of them are still hear, pouting and murmuring. What now? What are you going to do now? Some are still depressed, I get it but how is that going to resolve anything? You being depressed is not going to change anything, in fact it may make things worse.

Don’t you realize your thoughts impact your emotions are powerful things and when you constantly engage in awfulizing, dramatizing and traumatizing you are setting yourself up for emotional sabotage and dysfunction? You are literally making yourself ill, draining your energy and undermining your own health.

Our thoughts are potent they contain energy and power especially when they are backed by strong feelings and emotions. Together they impact our physical being and if this becomes an ongoing pattern you become a negative person who routinely self-sabotages your life. Our attitudes are nothing but reoccurring patterns of thought and emotion. Our attitudes are habitual thinking patterns which become precursors and responses to our life’s ups and downs and experiences because we think them over and over and they become etched in your personality.

Have you ever been around someone who at a superficial glance appear intelligent affable full of vim and vigor only to discover once you interact with them they are really a total downer, always complaining, finding fault and being hyper critical. Despite their intelligence and outgoing personality you find yourself not wanting to be around them for long periods of time. Why, because they give off negative energy what we used to call back in the day bad vibes.

Perhaps you yourself are this type of person. If so, you are not only creating negative energy in the environment but by generating and holding negative feelings within yourself and your body you are undermining your own health. This is not good. Internal negative energy can impact your organs your blood pressure and your adrenal glands which if sustained over long periods of time can have debilitating effects on your health.

The world is what you say it is; for you. We all have the power to define our reality. Our perceptions dictate our actions and reactions to whatever is going on in our life and around us. It’s not necessarily what happens to you, it is how you perceive it and respond.

No one escapes what William Shakespeare called the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”. We all suffer losses, setbacks, failure and defeat. But the issue is how we respond. Do we allow our perceptions to make us think this is the end of the world or do we pick ourselves up and find a way to get on with life?

There is an old saying, “keep your head up.” This is not an admonition merely to walk erect with your head held high, no it’s more than that. It means keep your spirits up, think positive thoughts, be strong, don’t stay down and discouraged despite what you are going through. Keep your thoughts positive, find the good in every situation, find the silver lining. Work hard to discern the lesson in the loss, the message in the mess and choose to use this situation as a way to to become better rather than bitter.

Keep your thoughts up, regardless of the situation and circumstances you have the power to define and respond any way you choose. Keep your head up. Choose to be positive, embrace the now, accept what has happened no matter how painful or disruptive, determine not to allow it to take you under.



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