The Pendulum Is Swinging the Other Way

Junious Ricardo Stanton


                With the 2024 reelection of Donald J. Trump the ideological and political pendulums are swinging the other way, going from radical leftist ideation to a “populous” right wing world view. People were stressed out due to the COVID Psyop which included constant fearmongering, awfulizing and exaggerating the threat of ill health and death for a so-called virus that was only lethal to elderly folks with compromised immune systems and numerous comorbidities.

I placed  quotation marks around the word populous because Trump is not a populous in the truest sense of the word. Populism is more of a grass roots, bottom-up anti-establishment movement. Trump is not antiestablishment by any stretch of the imagination. In modern populism, common people vent their ire against the owners and controllers of global financialized capital and other transnational elites. An example of modern populist activism was the US Occupy Wall Street Movement that went global in 2011 and 2012. That movement was eventually shut down by President Barack Obama prior to the 2012 presidential election campaign because the elites Obama represented didn’t want a grassroots movement exposing the ravages of the class war going on in America! 

Blue-collar working-class folks voted for Donald Trump but the people he is listening to in his meetings and putting in charge of programs and policies are billionaires not ordinary working stiffs. How many working-class folks has Trump invited to Mar-A-Lago? The millionaires and billionaires, the ones who contributed to his election campaign know he will listen to and be motivated to do their bidding. Yes he has kept some of his campaign promises however, they are not the major policies that will ultimately define his administration, these kept promises have been called the low hanging fruit.

Most folks were tired of the constant gaslighting and obvious lies, the brazen shift away from traditional values, the feelings of helplessness and loss of control over their personal lives, their economic situation and their futures. They did not relate to the extreme policies of the Democratic Party and how politicians of both parties looked down on them in favor of their campaign contributors. Trump actively courted them and made them think he was one of them. He is not!

 The fear and the resulting stresses many Americans experienced are the result of a deliberate round the clock media blitz, intimidation and coercion by the government to submit to taking untested vaccines or lose your job, professional licenses and businesses. Social routines were disrupted, family relationships and friendships were torn asunder, some made irreparable due to the intensity of the COVID fear porn and bone-headed remediation policies; procedures that are now being revealed that were/are more damaging than the virus itself.,

This trend has negatively impacted millions of lives and people are seething and up in arms about it. The fall out from lockdowns and insane “remediation” protocols for COVID generated unhealthy stress and anxiety that are still playing out today. The mental health of the US has declined precipitously and US life expectancy has been in decline for successive years now.

 The escalating inflation and economic instability experienced by millions and the resulting angst and animosity towards Western governments are producing massive changes in voter preferences and voting patterns. In the US, Donald Trump was elected by huge margins. Only Kamala Harris’s wins in New York and California with their large electoral votes thwarted a Trump landslide victory. Trump campaigned promising he would save the day.

In Europe far right and right wing political parties are emerging and winning icrucial national elections. Austria, France Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Germany have experienced not only shifts but election victories in national elections as the mood, tone and tenor has shifted to the right and far right.

In the US, Donald Trump’s administration immediately after being inaugurated aggressively moved to keep some of his campaign promises. Trump is using Executive Orders rather than legislative deftness and cooperation to: “secure” both the Mexican and Canadian borders, round up, arrest and deport immigrants prioritizing those with criminal records or backgrounds and sending the military to bolster the US southern border with Mexico. He has negated DEI and the sexual dysphoria issues in the US military and government by Executive Order.

 His base loves it. But in their jubilation, they are not considering possible long term downside. Trump has energized his base of disaffected white males by eliminating DEI within the federal government and threatening other institutions and companies with loss of funds, contracts and access if they do not follow suit.  It remains to be seen whether or not his actions will stand if, and the operative word here is if, they are challenged in court. It also remains to be seen whether or not Trump’s early actions will embolden him to take even more belligerent actions and if his base will push for even more to tip the scales towards a technofascist government. Thus far Trump has governed through Executive Orders which is not a hallmark of democracy!

The left has been emasculated. They are attempting to regroup but it remains to be seen whether or not they can get Americans to ever trust them again or look to them for meaningful plans and policies if they refuse to extricate themselves from or abandon their moribund policies of the past

The pendulum is swinging back, but the question is, will it create balance or generate more chaos disruption and division?


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