reparation (9)


Indeed, there is great strategy involved in allowing a select number of Blacks to advance.  Specifically, in positioning a number of Blacks in top positions, it helps to deflect accusations of racism in America.  Thus, people become focused on what America looks like rather than what it does.  Accordingly, the principle of fighting structural discrimination is eclipsed by the desire to showcase difference through symbolic gestures.  Therefore, the presence of Blacks in cert

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NCOBRA National Conference 2011

in Chicago, Illinois

National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America

The National Coalition of Blacks

for Reparations in America (NCOBRA)


Much honor to the late Mama Njere Algahnee for her work on the national reparations movement!


June 24 -26, 2011

Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church

600 East 35th Street

Chicago, Illinois


Contact: Kamm Howard,, 773.520.0369

Barbara Baker,, 312.720.0648

The National Coaliti

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Are You Ready To Go Home to Ethiopia or Ghana?
We are ready to facilitate your p/repatriation.
We are the Prepatriation Specialist!

DESTA Y. MEGHOO Development Consultancy, D.Y.M.D.C. & Associates, was founded in
2005 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We are part of an extensive network of goods and
service providers in Africa who can help facilitate your move home including air
and ground travel, accommodations, business development, relocation logistics
and more. We published the Rastafari Economic Devel
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Youth Leadership & Personal Development/Life Skills Training Project "Changing Attitudes; Increasing Aptitudes ...Elevating Altitudes" Operation Shoestring and Kuumba Promos has collaborated to facilitate a bi-weekly Saturday Seminar Series for youth leadership and personal development called Leadership/Personal Development and Life Skills w/OPS-KP. The seminar series is intended to introduce leadership skills and life management skills to Jackson area youth to build their capable for community
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Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation: Shameful U.S. Boycott Must Be Opposed When the Obama administration announced it would boycott the upcoming UN Durban Review Conference in Geneva, designed as a follow-up to the 2001 World Conference Against Racism (WCAR) held in Durban, South Africa, news media insisted the boycott had to do with Israel. But a decision that has followed the boycott seems to indicate the second half of the Obama administration's demand -- that references to r
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Dear Mrs. Obama: It is with highest homage and admiration to you that I write this letter. I am the Northeast Regional Representative, and Board Member, for the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America. The Reparations Movement, of which N’COBRA is a member, implores you to start a national dialogue on a reparations accord for Blacks in America. This national dialog must be firmly rooted in the historical context of the “trans-Atlantic slave trade, and the “holocaust” of African
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Hope and the Central Contradiction A Message to Our Fellow 'Whites' upon the Inauguration of President Barack Obama From the Executive Board of Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation People of all races, ages, ethnicities and nationalities are celebrating today with high hopes for the Obama Administration. They look for their own best selves within the Illinois Senator, asking him to change what is wrong with America and rescue a way of life they believe was founded upon worthy ide
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Reparations / Celebrations and Struggle

As African-Americans prepare celebrations for Dr. King’s Birthday and Black History Month, we are taken away from the ideals of what both occasions called for. Dr. King’s life did not revolve around celebrations. Dr. King’s life was mirrored by the Civil Rights Movement. He was beaten by the police on several occasions as he led boycotts, freedom rides, marches, protests and sit-ins against discrimination and injustice. Blacks should realize statistics show they are far from equality, so there i
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