Are You Ready To Go Home to Ethiopia or Ghana?
We are ready to facilitate your p/repatriation.
We are the Prepatriation Specialist!
DESTA Y. MEGHOO Development Consultancy, D.Y.M.D.C. & Associates, was founded in
2005 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We are part of an extensive network of goods and
service providers in Africa who can help facilitate your move home including air
and ground travel, accommodations, business development, relocation logistics
and more. We published the Rastafari Economic Devel
We are ready to facilitate your p/repatriation.
We are the Prepatriation Specialist!
DESTA Y. MEGHOO Development Consultancy, D.Y.M.D.C. & Associates, was founded in
2005 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We are part of an extensive network of goods and
service providers in Africa who can help facilitate your move home including air
and ground travel, accommodations, business development, relocation logistics
and more. We published the Rastafari Economic Devel