malcolm (8)

By’little Red’ ~


  It may have fell off of the radar because it took place in Newark, and not in New York.

It deserves more attention than it has gotten for sure.

Zayid Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party and the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee gave a passionate, well-documented lecture on “his favorite subject,” Malcolm X at the Newark Public Library.

Before he did his talk, he shared his platform with local organizers on the ground in Newark right now. He introduced a young labor organi

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What Would Malcolm Say About Obama

From The Ramparts                        
by Junious Ricardo Stanton ~                                          

    “The real religion of Islam doesn’t teach anyone to judge another human being by the color of his skin. The yardstick that is used by the Muslim to measure another man is not the man’s color but by his deeds, his conscious behavior, the man’s intention and when you use that as the standard of measurement you never go wrong. But when you just judge a man because of the color of his
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On Thursday, May 19th, the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee will observe the 86th anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X with the annual pilgrimage to his gravesite at Ferncliff Cemetery in Ardsley, NY.

 Joined by the Sons and Daughters of Afrika and the New Black Panther Party, busses will assemble at the Harlem St Office Building, 163 W. 125th St. in Harlem at 9am.


There is a donation of $8.00 and $5.00 for adults and children respectively. Families and groups interested in making reservati

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As a young lady during the sixties, while barely able to speak english (my choice to use a small e) LOL ,i overstood (my choice to use the small letter i) that the color of my skin had the AUDACITY" to crush my HOPE" and cause them to disintegrate, and crash into oblivion.

However that was not to be. Why one may ask?

Because of Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz. Whom i listened to weekly and sometimes more while living with my family in Harlem during the sixties. You see (most know) Malcolm, was no strange

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From the RampartsJunious Ricardo StantonWhat Would Malcolm Say About Barack Obama?“You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.” Malcolm XOnce Malcolm Little, a.k.a. “Detroit Red”, “ Red” and Satan joined the Nation of Islam and became Malcolm X, he experienced an ongoing personal transformation and growth that continued until his murder in 1965. During his sojourn within the NIO Malcolm’s hard work, eagerness to learn, ch
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Chokwe Lumumba For Jackson, MS City Council Building a New Jackson, Building a New South, Building Self-Determination! The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) is taking a bold step to advance the cause of New Afrikan Self-determination. Building off the experiences of developing the Freedom Party in Selma, Alabama and the Reconstruction Party in New Orleans, Louisiana, MXGM co-founder, Chokwe Lumumba, is running for City Council in Jackson, Mississippi. The aim of this run is to implement a p
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Reparations / Celebrations and Struggle

As African-Americans prepare celebrations for Dr. King’s Birthday and Black History Month, we are taken away from the ideals of what both occasions called for. Dr. King’s life did not revolve around celebrations. Dr. King’s life was mirrored by the Civil Rights Movement. He was beaten by the police on several occasions as he led boycotts, freedom rides, marches, protests and sit-ins against discrimination and injustice. Blacks should realize statistics show they are far from equality, so there i
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Jeffrey B. Perry newest book Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883-1918. "Hubert Harrison was an immensely skilled writer, orator, educator, critic, and political activist who, more than any other political leader of his era, combined class consciousness and anti-white-supremacist race consciousness into a coherent political radicalism. Harrison's ideas profoundly influenced "New Negro" militants, including A. Philip Randolph and Marcus Garvey, and his synthesis of class and r
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