The 2009 National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA) Conference will be in Dallas, Texas, June 18-21, 2009, at the Mt. Tabor Family Life Center, 3700 Simpson Stuart Road, Dallas, Texas 75241. I will be there because registration is only $60, and I got a cheap plane ticket (USAir) out of Philadelphia for $246 roundtrip! For more information call:214-723-6030.With the new strategic tactics of a post-racial America the Reparations Movement must make a course correction and ret
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Reparations 101:The Context CardBy Minister Ari S. Merretazon, M.S.CED, Board Member, Northeast Representative,National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)Too many people in high, middle, and low places in America are still in denial about the crimes against humanity represented by the monstrous destruction of human life, culture, and human possibilities called The Holocaust of African Enslavement and Trade.This human tragedy covers a continuum from 1440 to the present.Often
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