kjv (5)

The Ramey Commentaries By Mike Ramey



…but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
--I Samuel 30:6c

During my days as a probation officer--with a high-risk case load--I discovered one cold, cruel reality. I was responsible for my own safety. Never mind the training I had, or the backup I received from law enforcement or the kind words from my judge. I was responsible for me.

This realization takes fear--yes, fear--firmly out of the equation for daily living.

It is up to each Christian to discern truth from

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The Ramey Commentaries by Mike Ramey


     Every few years, it seems, a group of Blacks get together to come up with ‘The Black Agenda’. The cameras flash and speeches are made…but nothing seems to get done. Recently, I happened to sit in upon such a gathering, and was sorely disappointed with the discussions. You see, those of us who have a touch of gray in our hairlines, and have lived through the turbulent sixties know full well that we, as a people, successfully fought for--and won--many rights that were due u

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    A true story to lead off in our batting cage warm-up session.

    A young man, out for his first political office, won the primary and defeated his challenger from within his party by a two-to-one margin. He was looking forward to taking a few weeks off and resting up for the campaign trail to the general election in November. Life--and his party--had other plans. The incumbent of his party that held the seat he was campaigning for suddenly resigned, and vacated the seat.
Remember how I menti

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     One of the places where local party officials get access to a wealth of untapped volunteers comes--ironically--from your local school house. Students who take high school courses in Social Studies, U. S. History, Civics or American History are given the opportunity to earn extra credit by ‘working the polls’ during the primary and general elections.

     Don’t be fooled. The ‘dirty little secret (DLS)’ is, while the ‘mainstream mess (MSM)’ cries about the ‘low scores of students’ IN public e

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The Ramey Commentaries by Mike Ramey


One of my favorite ‘toons from a bygone era featured ‘Droopy’ the dog. This canine would be in impossible situations, and through sheer determination would defeat his adversaries with comical dispatch. In one of these MGM classics, Droopy was in a series of Olympic-type competitions. Droopy won every event. However, his opponent had tricked Droopy into signing a confession that our hero cheated in every event. Well, of course, the judges threw out Droopy’s victorie

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