delta (6)

In January of this year the National Newspaper Publishers Association, the HBCU, and the Black Fraternities and Sororities (also known as the Divine 9) and other Black organizations held an emergency press conference in reference to the tragic beating death of Robert Champion Jr., by members of the marching band in some sort of bizarre hazing ritual. 
It was just announced that the President of the University has resigned (been fired?) from his post; and the band has been
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In Memory Of Big Pun

Big Pun, check the blog

Just wanted to give a moment of silence for

one of the greats out of the Bronx "Big Pun".

Your never dead as long as you live in our thoughts.

Its been 12 years since Feb 6. R. I. P




l.jpg?width=200Bad Bitch can be declared as a classy woman. A lady who loves money and watches the style of clothes she wear. Loves to take good care of herself, smells good, and loves lots of purses. This song with rap artist Gansta Marcus and Free-Doe I felt real defined the definition and point I was trying to make.
Bad Bitch F

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Gloria DulanWilson Blog
Eclectically Black News for Eclectic Black People VIP/Views.Interests.Perspectives
by Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All: I just received an email in reference to the January 17 press conference convened by the National Newspaper Publishers Assn.(NNPA), Black Church, and Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Leaders to Announce A New Anti-Hazing Initiative. The conference should be broadcast nationally.

If you can make it, it would be a good idea to be in attendance

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3828524552?profile=originalby Gloria Dulan-Wilson

The Saturday before Memorial Day, is the kick off for Dance Africa, when Baba Chuck Davis, founder of the African American Dance Ensemble, and his troupe land in Brooklyn to regale us with his latest gathering of talent from Africa and her Diaspora. And this week end was absolutely spectacular.

Davis who stands tall at 6’5” presided over the event from the sidelines, while locally based community groups presented their youth, attired in African regalia, dancing their hear
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My Photo

Monday, February 28, 2011

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Well now that I've recouped from one of the busiest weekends of Black History Month, I have finally gathered up the strength and energy to write this article.

The MEC Coalition took its concerns to Albany last weekend, during the 40th Annual Black and Puerto Rican and Asian Legislative Caucus and placed it squarely on the plates of the elected officials.

Armed with petitions, flyers, parent, student and educator support, they spoke individual
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Is Visiting Africa A Stretch?

January 13, 2011 

Raynard Jackson

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (father of the former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court with the same name) once stated, “A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimensions.”

I think the sooner African leaders come to understand this, the better off the continent will be.  Everytime I meet with African leaders, they always complain about how Africa is portrayed in the U.S. media.  But yet, they never seem to understand the need to have

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