cleveland (4)


Ruben has been entertaining audiences large and small since the age of six when he showed an interest in playing the drums and the bass guitar and numerous other musical instruments. As his talent and mastering of these instruments grew so did his curiosity of the other aspects of the entertainment industry.
At the age of ten his acting career began. At twelve he performed a solo rap performance in support of the United Way which was followed by another solo performance of “My Philosophy" by KRS

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Was%2Bthe%2BSS%2BEvent%2BBeginning.png?width=320Greetings, Peace & Blessings, to you, your family and loved ones.
YouTube is doing its level best to shut me adsense revenues down to a bare minimum by demonetizing my videos one by one. I probably speak on controversial subjects a bit too much for their blood, but I will continue to move forward as I feel Divinely Guided to share my thoughts and views and research with the folks who subscribe to my channel and who visit my channel. I know that I am divinely guided by the Ancestors and Guardians
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EasterSundayMassacreFalseFlag.png?width=320Was Steve Stephens "Joy Lane Easter Sunday Massacre" a False Flag/Pysops?

"To all you people that fell in line for this little facebook killer story... I just looked up and found TEN different gun murders that happened between Sunday and today in the United States. Now ask yourself, why was the country made to get worked up over THIS one incident? And if the killer killed himself, Why? The old man was random right? So, what did he accomplish? Don't killers have motives? But don't stress your brai
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In Memory Of Big Pun

Big Pun, check the blog

Just wanted to give a moment of silence for

one of the greats out of the Bronx "Big Pun".

Your never dead as long as you live in our thoughts.

Its been 12 years since Feb 6. R. I. P




l.jpg?width=200Bad Bitch can be declared as a classy woman. A lady who loves money and watches the style of clothes she wear. Loves to take good care of herself, smells good, and loves lots of purses. This song with rap artist Gansta Marcus and Free-Doe I felt real defined the definition and point I was trying to make.
Bad Bitch F

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