tom (3)


Hell of a Job Recommendation, Scott

The Greater Milwaukee Committee is apparently waiting to release somerecommendations regarding Milwaukee County government. Theserecommendations include abolish the county executive's position, andspinning off most of the functions of county government such as theparks into commissions. The report which was discussed in today'sMilwaukee Journal sentinel is being withheld to prevent it frominfluencing the election. The bottom line is that the county is nottaxing enough to meet its obligations. Th
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America In Red, White and You

July 22, 2010

Raynard Jackson

During the past two weeks, Americans has once again been forced to confront our intractable issue of race—live and in living color. Regular readers of my column are well aware of my writing modus operandi. My job is not to make you agree with what I write, but rather to make you get beyond your personal biases (and we all have them) and to consider another point of view.

If, after having read my column, it motivates you to discuss what I wrote with a friend or colleag

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Playing With Fire

February 11, 2010

Raynard Jackson

Republicans continue to play a dangerous game of politics that may give them short term victory, but will ultimately destroy their brand and viability. They are allowing fellow Republicans to enter territory that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

Republicans would argue that they can’t “control” what others say and that people have the right to “freedom of speech.” All this is true, but there is such a thing as enabling a person to engage in destru

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