tea (4)


America In Red, White and You

July 22, 2010

Raynard Jackson

During the past two weeks, Americans has once again been forced to confront our intractable issue of race—live and in living color. Regular readers of my column are well aware of my writing modus operandi. My job is not to make you agree with what I write, but rather to make you get beyond your personal biases (and we all have them) and to consider another point of view.

If, after having read my column, it motivates you to discuss what I wrote with a friend or colleag

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Republicans and Adult-ery

Republicans and Adult-ery

April 15, 2010Raynard Jackson

Now that I have everyone’s attention, let’s talk about the one way the Republicans can negate the momentum they have gained heading into the fall elections.

Political analysts all agree that this fall’s elections will be a referendum on the Obama administration and the Democratic controlled Congress. If the elections were held today, in all likelihood, the Democrats would be handily defeated in both the house and the senate (not enough to take

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Tea-ed Off

April 1, 2010

Raynard Jackson

With so much news coverage surrounding the heated rhetoric coming from the tea party, I thought it would be instructive to dissect their anger to see if we can come away with some understanding of their issues.

But let’s be clear on something. Tea party members are aligned with the Republican Party—no matter what both sides say. Name me one tea partier that is supporting a Democrat or the president’s agenda. This is part of the perception problem each group is having—t

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February 25, 2010

Raynard Jackson

Last week Keith Olberman (host of MSNBC’s TV show Countdown) caused a controversy when he called the Tea Party movement racist because they are a mostly white movement and many of their members use a lot of language filled with hate. He went on to challenge people to review video footage and photos from the Tea Party’s events to prove his point.

Those in the Tea Party movement and others on the conservative side of the political spectrum went apoplectic because of

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