chris (4)

Up-and-coming Ohio emcee, Stevie Sarado, links up with the Bronx native, Chris Rivers, over Chico Star production and bring to you "Underground Villains." The video was shot and edited by the Park Boys out of Massillon, Ohio. The track will appear on Sarado's upcoming project: A Reclusive's Exclusives, which is expected to release in February of 2017. 

Follow Stevie Sarado on social media and download/stream his music for free.

Twitter: @StevieSarado

YouTube and Facebook: Stevie Sarado


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'Twas The Night Before Election 2012



(based loosely on the rhythm & rhyme of Twas The Night Before Christmas by Clement Moore)

(c) NOVEMBER 5, 2012

Twas the night bfore the Election And in every house
The people were shouting Keep Obama in the White House!!
He helped us when the economy tanked and we were in despair
The Bushes were laughing and didn't give a care
Wall Street was pampered while Main Street was dead
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Playing With Fire

February 11, 2010

Raynard Jackson

Republicans continue to play a dangerous game of politics that may give them short term victory, but will ultimately destroy their brand and viability. They are allowing fellow Republicans to enter territory that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

Republicans would argue that they can’t “control” what others say and that people have the right to “freedom of speech.” All this is true, but there is such a thing as enabling a person to engage in destru

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Hummm! Is this the best we have to offer? I don't quite understand his reasons for being there. And what's up with the Godmother? She doesn't seem to speak good English herself. Did I hear her say 'mens'? As I recall, I was always taught 'men' is already plural.It's time for our community to realize that recognition is not always a symbol of positivity, but rather a facade. This is no different than painting our face white and tap dancing across the floor for entertainment. Do we really believe
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