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Culture, Constitution, and Religious Conformity

By Ezrah Aharone

The Juan Williams incident and the rhetoric of Bill O'Reilly that caused Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar to walkoff the set of The View, fan the flames of an unbroken theme in history where no other "belief" has arguably been as unifying yet divisive, peaceful yet violent as religion.

Although the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero is widening the gap of intolerance between some Christians and Muslims, the tragedy of 9-11 (which involved extremist Muslims) is no more a window into Is

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Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor

September 2, 2010

Raynard Jackson

Originally, I wasn’t going to write about radio talk show entertainer Glen Beck’s supposed “March on Washington;” but, because you, my readers, asked me to comment, I will.

The event was called, “Restoring Honor.” Its stated purpose was to be a “celebration of America’s heroes and heritage. So, I have a few questions that I wish Beck would have addressed. You can only restore that which was lost. So, what in Beck’s mind was lost and how is he going to restore it?

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Paul Scott -
The date is August 28th 2010, and Glenn Beck stands before a crowd of 100,000 fellow Conservatives holding the severed head of a Martin Luther King Jr statue like a victorious Roman gladiator. With Sarah Palin by his side, he, triumphantly, yells, "free at last; free at last," as the civil rights leaders can only weep from afar...
There is an old saying that if you love something, set it free and if it doesn't come back it was never yours to begin with; so it is with Glenn Beck a
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Playing With Fire

February 11, 2010

Raynard Jackson

Republicans continue to play a dangerous game of politics that may give them short term victory, but will ultimately destroy their brand and viability. They are allowing fellow Republicans to enter territory that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

Republicans would argue that they can’t “control” what others say and that people have the right to “freedom of speech.” All this is true, but there is such a thing as enabling a person to engage in destru

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