
Hell of a Job Recommendation, Scott

The Greater Milwaukee Committee is apparently waiting to release somerecommendations regarding Milwaukee County government. Theserecommendations include abolish the county executive's position, andspinning off most of the functions of county government such as theparks into commissions. The report which was discussed in today'sMilwaukee Journal sentinel is being withheld to prevent it frominfluencing the election. The bottom line is that the county is nottaxing enough to meet its obligations. The services will be spun off toallow for new leadership that will raise the revenue (taxes) to payfor them. It sounds like quite an indictment of Scott Walker. Imagineif something like this was said about Milwaukee city government and TomBarrett.

Walker has yet to produce an honest budget as County Executive, leaving the County Board to do the dirty work. Now he wants to do the same thing to us in Madison, promising to cut millions of dollars from health care for low income workers to pay for tax breaks to the wealthy. There has got to be a better way and fortunately there is. I may not agree with everything Barrett says or does but I know of his track record. Abolish Walker's job and send him back to Wauwatosa where he belongs.
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