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After 6 months since their last album and video, the duo made of 2 brothers from San Antonio “Flood The Wave” finally drops a new music video ! “No Matter What” is now out on YouTube and all platforms. The video features several familiar Flood The Wave affiliates, and a lot of what looks like fun. Shot downtown San Antonio, It’s absolutely a great video from the cartoon effects to the great quality. Great work. Follow Flood The Wave on Instagram at @floodthewave and @floodthewavedereck ..
also c

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BLM%2Bwebsite%2Bphoto.PNG?width=320NB Commentary: There has been too much death and too much propaganda. This divisive tactic is taking folks to the streets and having them risk their lives as snipers mount buildings to shoot them and never be called into account.  SOURCE
Folks who doubted the authenticity of the BLM movement are beginning to wonder if they should join them. Infiltrators who care only about being paid are pretending to be a part of the movement but are only creating more tension and chaos. Folks are being shipped
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NDallas%2BPolice%2BShooting2.PNG?width=320B Commentary: Sometimes you just have to step in there and say your piece in the face of total ignorance coming from folks who set themselves up as being one who is in the know.  I watched this video up until the 1:02:30 mark when he and his guest took a serious turn for the worse in reporting on this Dallas thing and in particular, reporting on what they perceive is "up" with the inclusion of Micah X Jackson in this scenario. SOURCE

You can watch the video from this point to see what I am ranti
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driving%2Bwhile%2Bblack.jpg?width=320NB Commentary: I knew it wasn't over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won't be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.
Bomb Robots? 
Dang, couldn't they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
Okay, here's a question.
Who saw this coming?
Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
Bet they w
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Beyonce%2Band%2Bher%2Bgang%2B2-2016.jpg?width=320Beyonce and her Girl Gang

NB Commentary: I enter this discussion kicking and screaming and swearing to myself that I am not, and I mean, am not gonna fall prey to the hype. But today, I had to come forth with another blog post.  I was compelled by the comments under many of the pictures posted of her and her girl gang at the Super Bowl and how some folks were actually seeing it as a Powerful Movement, a statement about Black Power, a high five to Malcolm X, and the insane indicators of it being a

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Hands Up - Don't Shoot

Contrary to the refrain from the tragic Ferguson, Mo., shooting of Michael Brown, we know that keeping your hands up does not mean you will not be shot. Assata Shakur had her hands up when she was shot on the New Jersey turnpike by a State Trooper, Oscar Grant was laying face down on a subway platform when he was shot in the back by a Bay Area Transit cop, Sean Bell was executed in a hail of bullets by a half dozen N.Y. city cops while sitting in a car, and Trayvon Martin fought to defend himsel

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