jericho movement (2)

Check this out! From Mumia's second day of contact visits (the first day he visited his wife), and is the first photo of Mumia since the mid-1990s when PA prisons made it illegal any visitors, including journalists, to bring cameras into visits. Below the photo is a writeup about the visit, by Johanna Fernandez (on the left in the photo).

The FOP, Philly DA, and the rest of the FRY MUMIA lynch mob did everything they could to prevent this from happening, and they FAILED because of the endurance a
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My name is Sundiata Acoli (Soon-dee-AH’-tah  Ah-COH’-lee). I’m a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army (BPP/BLA) who was captured on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973 and am now a Black Political Prisoner and Prisoner of War (PP/POW) who’s been held by the government for the last 37 years.

        So why should you care about any of this or particularly, why should you support Black PP/POWs? Well, maybe you shouldn’t. If you’re happy with the way the US, and the wo

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