orlando (3)

driving%2Bwhile%2Bblack.jpg?width=320NB Commentary: I knew it wasn't over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won't be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.
Bomb Robots? 
Dang, couldn't they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
Okay, here's a question.
Who saw this coming?
Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
Bet they w
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The speculation abounds around the event that was reported to have taken place on June 12, 2016 at the Pulse Nightclub. What we do in our Intermediate I Ching Online Workshop is to ask pertinent questions about this event to see what the Oracle will tell us.
We take many things into consideration when asking our questions. We understand that personal bias and skew the responses from the I Ching so we work hard to develop the most objective questin we can so as to get the answers that we can best
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3828586305?profile=originalNB Commentary: Think about it. Whether real or contrived, the idea that it happens should cause one to pause and think. Why does this country thrive on this type of fanfare, violence, false flags, hoaxes or whatever you wish to call them? Over and over again, we see people die, or maybe not, killed or maybe not, but whatever the case may be, DEATH is the calling card and then the other is GUN CONTROL. Ironically, the Powers that Shouldn't Be feel that if they do this enough times they will beat

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