alton (3)

driving%2Bwhile%2Bblack.jpg?width=320NB Commentary: I knew it wasn't over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won't be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.
Bomb Robots? 
Dang, couldn't they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
Okay, here's a question.
Who saw this coming?
Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
Bet they w
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  Ninety-eight years ago, today, on March 10, 1913, Harriet Tubman made her transition.  Today, we recognize February 21, 1965 as the date of the assassination of Malcolm X in Harlem and, on April 4, 1968, we recognize the assassination of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr in Memphis but no one will mention the date of Harriet Tubman's death.
 If there had been no Harriet Tubman, there would have been no Malcolm X nor a Dr. King. This is an example of genderphobia which is roo
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Black Voices Must be heard re Haiti

Black Voices Must be heard re Haiti By Alton H. Maddox, Jr If Blacks enjoyed political representation and not just political presence in the United States , it would be unnecessary for me to ask you to make a clarion call to get medical treatment for Haitians in dire need of medical treatment. Former Sen. John Edwards and actor, John Travolta, can freely travel to Haiti while the passports of our leaders have been lifted. Moreover, these leaders have refused to initiate a class action lawsuit
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