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1968 protests at Columbia University called attention to 'Gym Crow' and got worldwide attention

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Black power militant H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael (right) appeared at a sit-in protest at Columbia University in New York City on April 26, 1968. AP

Stefan M. Bradley, Loyola Marymount University

“If they build the first story, blow it up. If they sneak back at night and build three stories, burn it down. And if they get nine stories built, it’s yours. Take it over, and maybe we’ll let them in on

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Nana's Commentary:

tumblr_n6e2q8Xfzf1ram4lgo1_500.jpg?width=150I remember thinking to myself, back in 1990; "I wonder what has happened to Black Folks as a result of Slavery?" It was like an epiphany, as I can actually remember where I was sitting when it occurred to me.
I had just entered the field of mental health having started off in Sociology. Somehow, life lead me to the field of Mental Health and particularly as a result of wanting to use Cultural Enrichment as a way for healing and benefiting Black folks who have so many odds stacke
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Black Activists Call 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Act Enactment "Bittersweet" Occasion, Since Many Fail to Recognize the Progress That Has Been Made.
PROJ21.gif?width=250"The Civil Rights Act changed American culture... racist sentiment became largely outdated and unacceptable people... are now the masters of their own destiny."

"Today, black Americans and other minorities no longer face the daunting obstacles that existed prior to 50 years ago. The public square and corridors of commerce are overwhelm

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1) Barack Obama stepped to the mic and spoke of the importance of non-violence … for oppressed people. When any representative of the U.S. ruling class preaches non-violence, they mean non-violence for those who might get in the way of their empire. Obama was referring to people who had suffered under Jim Crow segregation and lynch-mob terror. This from the commander-in-chief of the global Amerikkkan empire, who has presided over more than 280 drone missile strikes, maintains a torture chamber p

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