myth (2)



As a young lady during the sixties, while barely able to speak english (my choice to use a small e) LOL ,i overstood (my choice to use the small letter i) that the color of my skin had the AUDACITY" to crush my HOPE" and cause them to disintegrate, and crash into oblivion.

However that was not to be. Why one may ask?

Because of Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz. Whom i listened to weekly and sometimes more while living with my family in Harlem during the sixties. You see (most know) Malcolm, was no strange

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Stop the Lie - Understand the Truth about Thanksgiving
WE Don't Do Thanksgiving - because until the situation is equalized across the board, in our humble opinion; There Ain't Nothin to Celebrate.Today We Honor and Join with our Native Peoples in their statement for the Truth and Rights about the North American Peoples' Holocaust.

Now Hol Dis !

Thanksgiving: A National Day of Mourning for Indians

by Moonanum James and Mahtowin Munro

Every year since 1970, United American Indians of New England have organized the National Day of Mourning observance in
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